Presentation on the topic of Marxism in Philosophy. Presentation on the topic: Economic School Marxism. The economic doctrine of Marx

Philosophy of Marxism

History teacher KSU "OSSH №21

city ​​of Temirtau"

Baltabaev Marat Bopyshevich

The philosophy of Marxism was naturally formed in Europe in the 40s of the 19th century as a theoretical reflection of profound changes in all aspects of Western European society.

Prerequisites for the emergence of the philosophy of Marxism:

- socio-economic: the establishment of capitalism in Europe as the dominant mode of production; manifestation

the contradictions of capitalism; the intensification of the class struggle and the entry of the working class into the arena of political struggle;

- theoretical: classical English political economy (labor theory of value) - A. Smith (1723-1790), D. Ricardo (1772-1823); French utopian socialism - A.K. Saint-Simon (1760-1825), C. Fourier (1772-1837); German classical philosophy - G. W. F. Hegel (1770-1831), L. Feuerbach (1804-1872);

- natural sciences: rapid growth of discoveries in science and technology; in particular, three great discoveries in natural science - the law of conservation and transformation of energy; discovery of the cellular structure of living organisms; Darwin's evolutionary theory.

Marxism -

Philosophy of Marxism how the doctrine of the dialectical process is an integral part of a broader doctrine - Marxism, which includes:

- philosophy; - economics (political economy); - scientific communism - socio-political problems.

The expression "dialectical materialism" is often used as a synonym for Marxist philosophy. However, it is not found in Marx and Engels, who spoke of "materialistic dialectics."

Friedrich Engels ( 1820 - 1895). German philosopher, one of the founders of Marxism, friend and associate of Karl Marx, co-author of his works. In 1848, together with Karl Marx, he wrote the Communist Manifesto. Author of scientific works "The role of labor in the process of turning a monkey into a man", "The origin of the family, private property and the state."

Basic ideas of Marxism presented in the following works:

- "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844" - humanistic concept of man, its essence and mode of existence, overcoming its alienation;

- "Manifesto of the Communist Party", "Civil War in France", "18 Brumaire Louis Bonaparte" - substantiation of the world-historical mission of the proletariat ;

- "German Ideology", "Toward a Critique of Political Economy", "Capital" - materialistic concept of society and the categorical apparatus corresponding to it;

- "Anti-Dühring", "Dialectics of Nature" - problems of dialectics .

In solving epistemological issues, the founders of Marxism proceeded from the fact that a person cognizes the world with the help of the sense organs, which give him exact copies of reality in images.

K. Marx and F. Engels for the first time in the history of philosophy, the dialectical materialistic understanding was extended to society. Much attention was paid to the dialectic productive forces and production relations, whose unity forms mode of production.

The foundation, the theoretical basis of the philosophy of Marxism is dialectical materialism - the science of the most general laws of motion and development of nature, society and thought (according to F. Engels) . The materialistic nature of the philosophy of Marxism is manifested in the fact that it recognizes matter as the only basis of the existing world; consciousness is considered as a property of a highly organized form of matter, a specific function of the human brain, which has the ability to reflect the objectively existing world. The dialectical essence of Marxism is determined by the recognition of the universal interconnection of objects and phenomena of the world, which are in constant motion and development.

1. The philosophy of Marxism is dialectical materialism, i.e. unity of dialectics and materialism.

2. The philosophy of Marxism is materialistic, since it proceeds from the recognition of matter as the only basis of the world, considers consciousness as a property of highly organized matter, a function of the human brain.

3. It is called dialectical, since it recognizes the universal interconnection of objects and phenomena of the world, movement and development as a result of internal contradictions operating in it itself.

4. The essence of the revolutionary revolution made by K. Marx and F. Engels in philosophy is the spread of materialism to the understanding of the history of society, in substantiating the role of social practice. Supporters of Marxism believe that any materialism before K. Marx could not give a materialistic explanation of social life, that is, it was idealism in the understanding of society;

5. Marxist philosophers believe that no matter how diverse philosophical teachings are, all of them, explicitly or implicitly, have as their main theoretical point the question of the relation of consciousness to matter (the main question of philosophy).

6. Matter is the main category of philosophy. Matter as an objective reality is uncreated, eternal and infinite. Matter is characterized by such universal forms of its existence as motion, space and time. Motion is a universal way of existence of matter. There is no matter outside of motion, and motion cannot exist outside of matter.

7. Practice is the basis for the formation and source of knowledge, the main stimulus and purpose of knowledge, the criterion for the truth of the results of the process of knowledge. In contrast to agnosticism, dialectical materialism proceeds from the fact that the world is cognizable, human knowledge penetrates more and more deeply into the laws of being.

8. The universal laws of being operate in the world, that is, the laws of dialectics. These are: a) The law of transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones; b) The law of unity and struggle of opposites; c) The law of negation of negation.

9. An integral part of the philosophy of Marxism is historical materialism as a philosophical concept of the historical process. Historical materialism is a concretization of the principles of dialectical materialism. World history is presented as a change of epochs under the influence of the contradiction between productive forces and production relations. A certain phase of the unity of the productive forces and production relations has been called the "mode of production". The progress of society is understood as the transition from one mode of production to another, more perfect and more economically efficient. Society, taken in its unity (the mode of production plus the political superstructure), received the name "Socio-economic formation" in Marxism.

Rationale materialistic understanding of history society is the central theme and most important achievement of Marxist philosophy. The young Marx explained the essence of the materialistic understanding of history as follows: "People make history themselves, but under circumstances beyond their control." And even brighter: "People are both authors and actors of their own drama." Marx gave a conceptual presentation of his views in 1859 in the preface to the Critique of Political Economy, introducing a number of philosophical and sociological concepts ("productive forces", "production relations", "basis", "superstructure", "social revolution"), summarizing his discovery as follows: "It is not the consciousness of people that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being determines their consciousness."

When studying human society, the founders of Marxism proceed from the fact that the fundamental basis of social life is material production. To exist, a society must produce something.

According to K. Marx and F. Engels, material production is nothing more than the impact of people on nature in order to obtain the means of subsistence necessary for life, in particular, food, housing, clothing, etc. The most important thing in this process is the labor activity of people.

The founders of Marxist philosophy assign an important role in material production to the productive forces of society and production relations and the relationship between them. The productive forces are those by means of which society influences nature and uses it for its own purposes.

The main role in material production, according to Marx and Engels, belongs to the social productive forces, which means the means of production created by society and, above all, tools of labor, as well as people who use them to create material wealth.

Importance in material production have industrial relations. Due to the fact that production has always been and is social, people, creating material values, are forced to enter into certain relations with each other - economic, political, ethical, etc. In addition, goods created in the process of material production are exchanged, distributed among people. Marxism calls these relations and other relations that arise in this case relations of production.

Fundamental role in industrial relations plays the ownership of the main means of production, but it is important whether it is public or owned by individuals. Marxism believes that the quality of production relations depends on who owns the property. According to Marx and Engels, public property serves the interests of all, private property is used to enrich individuals through the exploitation of working people.

In order to abolish the exploitation of man by man, to create better conditions for the development of the productive forces, Marxism considers it necessary to abolish private ownership of the means of production, turning it into a public one.

social life - these are the material relations of people to nature and to each other, arising in the process of the formation of human society and existing independently of social consciousness.

Public consciousness - the spiritual side of the historical process is not a set of individual consciousnesses of members of society, but a holistic spiritual phenomenon that has a certain internal structure, including various levels and forms. Marxism proceeds from the fact that social consciousness, on the one hand, is a reflection of social life, and on the other, it has relative independence. The determining role, in the final analysis, belongs to social being.

One of the essential components of historical materialism is the doctrine of socio-economic formation. Analyzing the history of the existence of the human race from ancient times to the 19th century, the founders of Marxism singled out a number of periods that have much in common and at the same time differ from each other. Historical materialism distinguishes five main socio-economic formations that differ from each other in the forms of ownership and production relations based on it: primitive communal, slave-owning, feudal, capitalist and communist.

"Basis" and "Superstructure"

When analyzing the socio-economic formation, along with the use of such concepts as material and ideological relations, the philosophy of Marxism also uses the concepts of "basis" and "superstructure". These concepts are correlative and are closely related to each other. Under the basis is meant the economic structure of society, the totality of production relations of a given society. We can say that the basis is a form of material productive forces and production relations, designed to express the social nature of production relations as the economic basis of social phenomena.

The superstructure is a set of social ideas, institutions and relations that arise on the basis of the existing economic basis. With the historical development of society, the activity of the superstructure increases, and it can have a significant impact not only on the functioning of its basis, but also on its change.

The doctrine of socio-economic formation

Society passes in its development through a number of stages, or socio-economic formations, which differ from each other in the methods of production, i.e., the level of development of the productive forces, the relations objectively developing on their basis (primarily property relations), as well as the legal and political superstructure and spiritual culture. The efficiency of labor, its productivity, determines the advantage of one formation in relation to another. The transition from formation to formation is a transition from intra-qualitative (quantitative) changes to qualitative ones, i.e. means a revolution, a leap in the development of society.

Scientific theory of communism

K. Marx rethought the theory of classes and class struggle, first put forward by French historians at the beginning of the 19th century, about which he wrote: “What I did new was to prove the following: 1) that the existence of classes is associated only with certain historical phases of the development of production; 2) that the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat; 3) that this dictatorship itself constitutes only a transition to the abolition of all classes and to a society without classes. Based on the materialist understanding of history by Marxism, a scientific theory of communism was developed, the first stage of development of which in the 20th century began to be considered socialism.

The doctrine of man

An important merit of Marxist philosophy is the development of the doctrine of man. The initial, basic form of existence and characteristic of a person is labor - the process in which, according to Marx, man through his own activity mediates, regulates and controls the metabolism between himself and nature. Man is a creative being, he actively transforms nature, while animals only adapt to the natural conditions of life.


Dialectical materialism - direction in philosophy, in which the world is considered as a self-developing material system that does not need any otherworldly forces for its existence.

Marxism - worldview, the founders of which are Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The essence of Marxism lies in the dialectical-materialist approach to the world, in the recognition of the formational approach to history, according to which the development of society is ensured through the dialectics of productive forces and production relations.

materialism - direction in philosophy, recognizing matter as the primary beginning of the existence of the world, recognizing adequate knowledge of the world by man.

Historical Significance of Marxism

In understanding nature and society, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were materialists. They, relying on the philosophical work of Hegel and Feuerbach, rethought idealistic dialectics and anthropological materialism, resulting in the creation of a fundamentally new philosophical direction - dialectical materialism.

Social practice has shown that Marxism's position on the world-historical mission of the proletariat and its dictatorship, on the disappearance of commodity-money relations in the era of socialism, turned out to be historically limited. But even now the dialectical method of analyzing social phenomena, the ideas of social justice and solidarity, the position that the free development of each is a condition for the free development of all remain relevant.


Many philosophical currents of the XX century. felt the influence of Marxist teachings, which became an important element in the evolution of the spiritual culture of Western civilization. For several decades in Europe, Marxism served the oppressed classes (workers and peasants) as the blueprint for their revolutionary movements. The philosophy of Marxism throughout the entire historical period of the existence of the USSR was proclaimed the ideology of the state, considered as a tool for building socialism, capable of transforming into a communist society in the future.

The philosophical, economic, political views of Marx and Engels still have a tremendous impact on society. In 1999, a massive survey was conducted in the UK, during which the largest thinkers of the outgoing millennium, who had the greatest influence on the fate of the world, were identified. The first, ahead of A. Einstein and I. Newton, was Karl Marx.

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Tyumen State Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
federal state budgetary educational institution
higher education
Tyumen State Institute of Culture
Faculty of Social and Cultural Technologies
Department of Socio-Cultural Activities, Culturology and Sociology
Philosophy of modern times.
Marxist philosophy.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
Completed by: Eremina Ekaterina Sergeevna,
1st year full-time student,
destinations SKD
Tyumen, 2015

Marxism is a philosophical movement that arose in Germany in the 40s of the 19th century, the founders:

Karl Marx(1818 - 1883)
Friedrich Engels (1820 -1895)

The most important milestones on the way to the formation of Marxist philosophy
became the works of Marx "Theses on Feuerbach", "Poverty of Philosophy", and
also joint works with Engels "The Holy Family" and
"German Ideology". To mature Marxist philosophical
works include "Anti-Dühring" and "Ludwig Feuerbach and
the end of classical German philosophy" by Engels.

The founders of the philosophy of dialectical
materialism is rightfully considered K. Marx and F. Engels.
Dialectical-materialist philosophy arose in
middle of the XIX century. Prerequisites for the emergence
Marxist philosophy were:
industrial revolution in Europe (XVIII-XIX centuries), which meant
transition from manual to machine labor;
appearance on the historical arena of the proletariat with independent
political demands;
ideas of German classical philosophy (especially the philosophy of Hegel
and Feuerbach);
discoveries in the natural sciences: evolutionary theory
Darwin; the doctrine of the cellular structure of the body; conservation law and
energy conversion.

Characteristic features of Marxist philosophy:
The dialectical method is considered inextricably linked with
materialistic principle;
The historical process is interpreted from materialistic
positions as a natural, regular process;
Not only the world is explained, but also developed
general methodological foundations of its transformation. How
consequently, the center of philosophical research is transferred from
areas of abstract reasoning on the area of ​​material and practical activity of people;
Dialectical-materialist views are associated with
the interests of the proletariat, of all working people, coinciding with
the needs of social development.

Marxist philosophy is a system of views on
development of nature, society and man, formed in
second half of the XIX century under the influence of global processes,
taking place in the world economy, politics, science.
It is conditionally possible to distinguish three main stages of its development:
The first stage is associated with the names of K. Marx, F. Engels and
their followers in Germany (Bernstein, Kautsky), in other
European states, including Russia (Plekhanov
At this stage, the ideas of Marxism are recognized among
European economists and are gaining popularity among
creative II scientific intelligentsia of European states,
gradually penetrating into the trade union labor movement and
the first social democratic organizations.
In the third stage, the gap between the humanistic and
radical trends in Marxist philosophy
increases. A radical movement that has become an ideology
states of socialist orientation, subjugated Marxism
tasks of communist ideology, which predetermined
crisis nature of its development for many decades.

Basic principles of Marxist ideology:
dialectical materialism, the principles of which were
spread by Marxist philosophers to all sides
the life of society, nature, man, consciousness, etc. IN
basis - - the idea of ​​the primacy of the social over
the idea of ​​the fundamental role of practice in the development
society, in material and spiritual processes in
human culture, in the process of cognition;
In the philosophy of history, the fundamental principles in
development of society by Marxist philosophers
proclaimed: the theory of class struggle; idea
the historical mission of the working class; role concept
masses and personality in history.

To the basic principles of Marxist
methodologies include:
ascending from the abstract to the concrete, from the simple to the
the principle of historicism.

Dialectical materialism
Among the principles of materialist dialectics, Engels
highlights such as the principle of the material unity of the world,
the principle of universal connection and the principle of development. To the main
laws he relates the law of interpenetration
opposites, the law of the transition of quantity into quality and
back and the law of negation of negation.
The theory of knowledge was developed from the dialectical materialist positions by Marx and Engels. Like
all materialists, he recognized the primacy and
increability of the material world.

Dialectical-materialistic theory of knowledge
considered in Marxism as the theory of reflection.
In this case, the reflection was understood as active, and not
passive process of interaction of the subject with
object. Here the main
lack of pre-Marxist materialism, which
consisted in ignoring the role of practice, and
and the activity of the subject of knowledge.

Pursuing consistently the principle of the unity of dialectics and
theory of knowledge, Engels noted that the dialectic of concepts
is a conscious reflection of the dialectic of movement
the real world.
Creating a dialectical-materialist theory of knowledge,
Marx, first of all, establishes its starting point - the concept of social practice, which forms the basis of
knowledge. Tracing the development of major categories
political economy, he shows that these categories,
e.g. the concept of abstract labor, historically linked
with a certain level of development of social practice.
This provision applies to the categories of any science, to
historical development of scientific knowledge in general.

historical materialism
The term "historical materialism" was used by Engels to
designation of that view of the course of world history, which
ultimate cause and decisive driving force of all
finds important historical events in the economic
development of society, in changing the mode of production and
exchange, in the resulting divisions of society into
different classes and in the struggle of these classes among themselves. IN
further materialistic understanding of history became
considered as a fundamental principle
historical materialism as a science of society.

The stages of historical progress were:
The primitive stage of the development of society, which differed
common ("tribal") property and lack of
class division.
slave stage.
They are the highest stage in the development of human society.
considered communism.

A new stage in the development of Marxist philosophy is associated with
V.I. Lenin (1870-1924). Its main
philosophical works are: "What are" friends
people” and how do they fight against the social democrats?”,
"Materialism and Empiriocriticism", "Philosophical
Notebooks”, “On the Significance of Militant Materialism”.
There are two main periods in Lenin's work:
1) from the end of the 19th century. to the Great October
socialist revolution,
2) from the October Revolution to 1924
Like other followers of Marx, he was forced to
defend Marxist philosophical propositions from ideological
opponents. For this it was necessary to give scientific
well-founded answers to new questions put forward by the course
development of society and scientific knowledge.

The main "achievement" of the Marxist
philosophy is to consider
materialistic dialectics as
critical and revolutionary, targeted
not on understanding the world, but on its
transformation, and revolutionary

1. Antonov E.A. History of Philosophy. Lecture course.
- Belgorod, 2000. - S.133-152.
2. Anderson P. Reflections on the Western
Marxism. - M., 1991.
3. Karl Marx and modern philosophy. Sat.
scientific materials. conf. to the 180th anniversary of
birth of k. Marx. - M., 1999.
4. Stepin V.S. Marxism yesterday, today, tomorrow
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future. Selected socio-philosophical
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5. Stoyanovich S. From Marxism to Post-Marxism //
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Lesson No. 1133 Lesson No. Lesson topic: Lesson topic: Philosophy of Marxism Philosophy of Marxism

Relevance Relevance Marxism had a great influence on both domestic and Western V.I. Lenin and G.V. Plekhanov. thinkers, he significantly expanded the horizon of philosophical thought, turning to the problems of labor, alienation, power, ideology, which had not received proper understanding before. The development of the ideas of the philosophy of Marxism in our country is connected with the works

Plan 1. 1. Formation of Marxist philosophy 2. Dialectical materialism 3. Historical materialism 4. Marxist philosophy in Russia

The formation of Marxist philosophy The philosophy of Marxism arose in the middle of the 19th century Karl Marx Friedrich Engels Founders of Marxism. Initially, they were supporters of Hegel's philosophy and belonged to the Young Hegelians.

Stages of development of Marxist Stages of development of Marxist philosophy of philosophy .. revolutionary democracy to dialectical and stage 1 Marx and Engels' transition from idealism and historical materialism Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Development of Marxist philosophy, expansion of the range of problems and clarification of certain provisions Spread of Marxist philosophy in Germany, Italy in Russia Systematization and development of Marxist philosophy in the USSR Development of Marxist philosophy in Russia since 1991 Philosophy ceased but to be a state.

Prerequisites for the emergence Prerequisites for the emergence of Marxist philosophy Marxist philosophy 1. The Industrial Revolution in Europe (XVIII-XIX centuries), which meant the transition from manual to machine labor; 2. The appearance on the historical arena of the proletariat with independent political demands; 1. Ideas of German classical philosophy (especially the philosophy of Hegel and Feuerbach); 2. Discoveries in the field of natural sciences: Darwin's evolutionary theory; The doctrine of the cellular structure of the body; The law of conservation and transformation of energy. 3.4.

1 .. 3 Characteristic features Characteristic features of Marxist philosophy Marxist philosophy 2 The dialectical method is considered inextricably linked with the materialist principle 4 The center of philosophical research is transferred from the field of abstract reasoning to the field of material and practical activity of people The historical process is interpreted from materialist positions as a natural, regular process Dialectically materialist views are associated with the interests of the proletariat, all working people, coinciding with the needs of social development.

materialism and idealism materialism and idealism

Dialectical materialism Dialectical materialism Dialectical materialism as a philosophy of Marxism proceeds from the philosophy of Marxism proceeds from the idea of ​​an objective idea of ​​the objective unity of matter, space and the unity of matter, space and time. time. Space and time are interpreted as properties of material phenomena, as forms of their existence. This point of view is based on the achievements of mathematics and natural sciences.

Engels' dialectical materialism of the incessant development of matter: Developed mainly by F Engels (1820-1895). It proceeds from the position of the primacy of matter relative to consciousness and Three laws of dialectics 1. The law of the transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones 2. The law of unity and struggle of opposites 3. The law of negation of negation Friedrich Engels

Historical Materialism Materialism The essence of this trend lies in the materialist understanding of the dialectical development of the history of human societies, which is a special case of the general natural historical process. Historical materialism is an integral part of Marxist-Leninist philosophy and, at the same time, a specific component of the system of social sciences. Historical materialism is organically linked with dialectical materialism

Historical materialism The most important category of historical materialism is the concept of a socio-economic formation, a historically defined stage in the development of human society. Marxism identifies the following socio-economic formations: - Primitive communal - Slave - Feudal - Capitalist - Communist Karl Marx

Marxist philosophy in Russia Plekhanov substantiated and popularized the teachings of Marxism, developed and concretized its individual issues, especially in the field of social philosophy: the role of the masses and the individual in history, the interaction of the base and the superstructure, the role of ideology, etc. Plekhanov G.V. Plekhanov only sought to lead the Marxist theory of knowledge out of the dead ends of naive realism. He revealed the continuity of Marxism with the best traditions of the past and at the same time emphasized the need for its creative development.

Control questions Control questions  What are the theoretical sources of Marxism?  What is the materialistic understanding of history?  What is social life?  What is social consciousness?  What is the socio-economic  What is the driving force of history according to K.  What is the essence of man according to K. Marx?  What is the essence of the materialistic dialectics of K. formation? Marx? Marx?

Karl Marx (1818 - 1883) Karl Marx
German philosopher,
sociologist, economist,
writer, poet,
political journalist,
public figure.
Author of the classic
scientific work on
political economy
"Capital. Criticism
political economy"


Marxism philosophical, economic and political
doctrine founded by Karl Marx and Friedrich

Basic concept of Marxism

The basis of the theory is the schemes of reproduction -
abstract theoretical models built on
a number of simplifying assumptions.
social reproduction
Interindustry competition and capital flight


divides the cost into three parts:
"constant capital" (c), i.e. price
material costs, "variable capital"
(v), i.e. labor cost, and
"surplus value" (m). Division
capital into fixed and variable was
new, before Marx there was only a division into
fixed and working capital.

social reproduction

In his theory of social reproduction, Marx returned to
scientific circulation of the problem of redistribution of gross
national product, the study of which was started in
"Economic Table" by François Quesnay and lost due to
the advent of "Smith's dogma". Unlike three sector
Model Kene Marks built a two-sector model by dividing
sphere of production for the production of means of production, i.e.
elements of constant capital, and the production of objects
consumption for workers and capitalists.

Interindustry competition and capital flight

introduced the concept of intersectoral
competition, which, unlike
intra-industry represents not
competition for the sale of similar products, and
competition for the most profitable
capital investment.

Marx was also the first to substantiate the proposition of
the need for government regulation. This
position was first stated authoritatively openly in
1848 in the Communist Manifesto.
In order for the state to regulate the economy,
the state must be strong. For this
big companies need to be nationalized,
banks, which will solve the following social
Tasks: - providing work; - free school
education; - free medical care;
- provision of housing.

Political significance

Political influence
Marxism in the 20th century was
huge: Marxism dominated for about
1/3 of the world. Marxist
political economy acted as economic
doctrine of socialism realized in the XX
century in the USSR, China in the countries of Eastern Europe,
Indochina, Cuba, Mongolia.

Criticism of Marx's theory

Criticism of the main provisions of the theory of K. Marx
formed almost immediately after the release of
the light of his work.
One of the main sources of theoretical and
practical errors of Marxism is the fallacy
labor theory of value in general and the theory
surplus value in particular


Thus, summing up all the above, it is necessary
draw the following conclusions.
Marx's ideas had a powerful impact on many areas
social sciences - history, sociology, political science,
political economy.
Based on these ideas, influential political
parties and social movements that have had a noticeable impact
on the history of the 20th century. In the Soviet Union, a simplified version
Marxism was used as the basis of the state
ideology, in China it fulfills this role to this day.


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