What cheap analogues does Yarina have? Analogues of birth control pills Yarina How to switch from Midiana to Yarina

Today, the pharmaceutical market offers many different hormonal drugs that are used for contraceptive purposes. Typically, gynecologists recommend the use of low-dose contraceptives, as they reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy, while not affecting metabolic processes and not retaining fluid in the body. Among the new generation hormonal contraceptives, Yarina and Midiana are distinguished. To decide which is better, you should familiarize yourself with the main characteristics and properties of each of them.

Composition and medicinal properties

And Midiana are monophasic COCs that contain drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol in equal dosages of 3 mg and 30 mg, respectively. If you compared the full composition, you might have noticed that Yarin has more auxiliary components, the dragees are enriched with titanium dioxide, iron oxide, they contain talc and macrogol.

Due to the fact that the drugs have similar components, the mechanism of action of both drugs is the same and is aimed at blocking ovulatory function. Along with this, estrogen-gestagen components increase the density of cervical mucus, which is an additional protection against pregnancy - it makes it difficult for male germ cells (sperm) to penetrate into the uterine cavity.

Drospirenone prevents fluid retention in the body, that is, it prevents the occurrence of hormone-dependent edema, so weight gain on COCs is not observed.

While taking contraceptives, an artificial hormonal background is created, due to this there is an improvement in the condition of hair, skin and nails (Yarina and Midiana have a cosmetic effect).

Each of the drugs is quite well tolerated, while they reduce the severity of premenstrual syndrome and normalize the menstrual cycle.

It is worth noting that in addition to Yarina, the Bayer company also produces another contraceptive called Yarina Plus. If we compare Yarina and Yarina Plus, then in the second drug, in addition to the main estrogen-gestagen components, there is a vitamin supplement - calcium levomefolate, its mass fraction in each tablet is 0.451 mg.

Release form

Each of the drugs is available in the form of pills, which are placed in blister packaging. There are 21 tablets inside the blister.

At first glance, there are no differences, but they still exist. On the back of Yarina's blister, the regimen for taking the hormonal drug is indicated, and the days of the week are marked so that the woman does not forget about taking the contraceptive pill. But on the Midiana blister there are no markings for the days of the week, the pills are only numbered.

The package of Yarina Plus contains 21+7 pills, 21 of them are active (the composition includes estrogen-progestin components and calcium levomefolate), and the rest of the pills are placebo, they contain only calcium levomefolate.

Inside the pack of each drug there may be 1 or 3 blister packs of dragees.

Reception scheme

Yarina, like Median, is taken for 21 days, followed by a seven-day break. Reception of Yarina Plus is designed for 28 days.


Each of the hormonal drugs should not be taken if:

  • Tendency to thrombosis
  • Diabetes mellitus complicated by vascular disorders
  • Pancreatitis
  • Severe headaches (migraines)
  • Smoking
  • Presence of problems with the activity of the kidneys and liver
  • Detection of hormone-dependent oncological process
  • Pregnancy, GW
  • Uterine bleeding of unknown origin
  • Individual sensitivity to the components of hormonal pills.

If you choose between Yarina or Midiana based on the list of contraindications, then there are no significant differences.

Side effects

When taking contraceptives, various adverse reactions may occur, but the main ones are:

  • Severe headache (more often when taking Yarina)
  • Irregular vaginal bleeding
  • Change in sex drive
  • Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract (characteristic during the period of adaptation to the drugs Yarina or Midiana)
  • Skin rash
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Increased likelihood of developing thrombosis.

It is worth noting that the described side symptoms may be associated with the individual characteristics of the patient’s body or the presence of concomitant diseases.

If side symptoms are observed for a long time (more than 3 months), you need to consult a gynecologist; the drug may not be suitable. A specialist may recommend taking an analogue drug.


If you have a choice between the drugs Midiana or Yarina, then you need to pay attention to the country of origin. The first is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter (Hungary), the second is produced by the Bayer corporation (Germany).

Yarina is a certified pharmaceutical product, and Midiana is produced under license. But despite these differences, each of the drugs is made from high-quality synthetic components.


The cost of birth control pills also varies. Prices for drugs from the Bayer company are quite high, they range from 1029 rubles. (21 tablets) up to 3375 rub. (84 tablets). The cost of packing Midiana is 584-803 rubles. for 21 tablets; 1363-1872 rub. for 63 tab.

From the above we can conclude that purchasing Midiana is much more profitable. A pack of this hormonal drug costs almost half as much as Yarina.

Before purchasing one of the drugs described above, you should consult your doctor. The specialist will give recommendations on which hormonal contraceptive to give preference to.

Yarina tablets contain 3 mg and 30 mcg .

Additional substances: titanium dioxide, corn starch, talc, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, macrogol 6000, povidone K25, pregelatinized starch, iron oxide.

Release form

Light yellow tablets with engraving " DO» in a hexagon, 21 tablets in a blister, one or three blisters in a cardboard package.

pharmachologic effect

Contraceptive And estrogen-progestogen action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The abstract describes the drug as a monophasic low-dose oral combined estrogen-progestogen.

Yarina acts by blocking ovulation and increasing the viscosity of cervical mucus.

In women using Yarina birth control pills, the menstrual cycle is normalized, menstrual-like painful bleeding is less likely to be detected, the intensity and duration of bleeding is reduced, resulting in a reduced likelihood of iron deficiency anemia . There is evidence of a reduced risk of ovarian cancer And .


Contraindications to the use of Yarina tablets:

  • current and past and thromboembolism (including , ), cerebrovascular changes;
  • current and past hypertriglyceridemia ;
  • current and past pre-thrombosis conditions (including, ischemic attacks );
  • current and past with neurological symptoms;
  • with vascular complications;
  • risk factors vascular thrombosis , for example, complicated changes in the heart valves, vascular diseases of the brain or heart, surgery followed by long-term immobilization, smoking after 35 years;
  • decompensated or acute renal failure;
  • insufficiency of liver function or severe liver disease (until normalization of tests);
  • current and past liver tumors;
  • hormone dependent or suspected of them;
  • bleeding from the vagina of unknown origin;
  • pregnancy or suspicion of pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

If any of the above disorders develop for the first time while taking the medication, it should be discontinued immediately.

Yarina hormonal tablets should be taken with extreme caution if you have any of the following conditions or diseases:

  • risk factors for thrombosis: smoking , arterial hypertension, dyslipoproteinemia , extensive trauma, migraine , prolonged immobilization, heart valve defects, surgical interventions, hereditary predisposition to the development thrombosis ;
  • other diseases that can provoke changes in peripheral circulation or superficial phlebitis ;
  • hypertriglyceridemia;
  • hereditary genesis;
  • liver diseases;
  • postpartum period;
  • diseases that arose or were complicated during pregnancy or previous use of sex hormones ( porphyria , jaundice , pregnant women, cholelithiasis, otosclerosis, Sydenham chorea ).

Side effects

As with other combined contraceptives, side effects of Yarina are very rarely possible, such as thromboembolism or thrombosis .

Side effects of Yarina:

  • from the outside genital area: discharge from the vagina or mammary glands, pain and enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • from the outside digestion: vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, ;
  • from the outside vision: discomfort when using contact lenses;
  • disorders from nervous activity: worsening mood, mood changes, weakening or strengthening libido , migraine ;
  • leather: erythema nodosum , rash, , erythema multiforme ;
  • from the metabolic side: weight change, water retention in the body;
  • other disorders: .

Instructions for use of Yarina (Method and dosage)

The tablets should be taken orally in order, according to the directions on the package, at the same time every day, with water.

Yarina tablets, instructions for use

The drug is taken 1 tablet per day for 3 weeks. Taking tablets from the next pack should begin after a seven-day break with the usually developing " withdrawal bleeding " It begins approximately 3 days after taking the last tablet and can continue until the use of tablets from a new blister.

Start of reception

How to take Yarina for the first time?

If you have not used any hormonal contraceptives in the previous month, the use of the medicine begins on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle. It is also permissible to start using it on days 2-5 of the menstrual cycle, but in this case you need to use a barrier method of contraception in the 1st week of use.

If the patient switches from other oral combined contraceptives, contraceptive patch or vaginal ring , then it is advisable to start using the medicine on the day following the taking of the last tablet of the “old” drug, but no later than the next day after the standard 7-day break (for products containing 21 tablets) or after taking the final inactive tablet (for products including 28 tablets ). When using a vaginal ring or contraceptive patch, use of the medication should begin on the day the patch or ring is removed, but no later than the day the new ring or patch is installed.

Transition from contraceptives ( containing only gestagen ) to Yarina can be carried out on any day (without a temporary break). Transition from implant containing only gestagen , or a gestagen-releasing intrauterine contraceptive - on the day of its removal. Transition from injection form – from the day on which the following procedure must be performed. In all of the above cases, you need to use a barrier method of contraception in the 1st week of use.

After childbirth or in the second trimester, you should start taking the medicine no earlier than 4 weeks after the birth (provided that the mother is not breastfeeding) or the abortion. If use is started later, you need to use a barrier method of contraception in the 1st week of use. But if the patient has already had sexual intercourse, before starting to use Yarina, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy or wait until the 1st menstruation.

After an abortion in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, it is allowed to start taking the medication on the day of the abortion. If this condition is met, the patient does not need additional methods of contraception.

Missed pills

less than 12 hours late , contraceptive protection is not reduced. A woman needs to take the pill as quickly as possible, the next pill is taken at the usual time.

If the medicine was taken with more than 12 hours late , contraceptive protection is reduced. The more pills you miss, the greater the likelihood of pregnancy. If you skip 1 tablet, the chance of getting pregnant is minimal. If you are late for more than 12 hours, follow the recommendations below.

The pass was made in the first 7 days of taking the drug

You should take the last missed tablet as soon as possible, even if you need to take 2 tablets together. The next tablet is taken at the usual time. It is recommended to use a barrier method of contraception for another week. If you had sexual intercourse within 7 days before missing a pill, you must consider the possibility of pregnancy.

The pass was made on days 8-14 of taking the drug

You should take the last missed tablet as soon as possible, even if you need to take 2 tablets together. The next tablet is taken at the usual time. If the patient has taken the pills correctly over the past 7 days, then there is no need to use additional contraceptive measures. Otherwise, or if you miss 2 or more tablets, you must additionally use barrier methods of contraception for another week.

The pass was made on days 15-21 of taking the drug

The risk of pregnancy increases due to the upcoming temporary break in taking the drug. The patient must do one of the following two options. Moreover, if the pill regimen has been followed over the last week, there is no need to use additional methods of contraception.

  • You should take the last missed pill as soon as possible, even if this means taking 2 pills at the same time. Subsequent tablets from the current package are consumed as usual until they run out. The next package should be used without interruption. Until the tablets from the second package run out, withdrawal bleeding is unlikely, but breakthrough bleeding and spotting while using the tablets cannot be ruled out.
  • You need to stop taking the tablets from the current blister and start a seven-day break, and then start taking the medicine from the new blister. If the patient has not taken the pills and has not developed withdrawal bleeding during the seven-day break, pregnancy must be excluded.

For vomiting and diarrhea

Whenever vomiting or within four hours after taking the tablets, they may not be completely absorbed. In such a case, additional contraceptive measures should be taken, and the above recommendations should also be followed when skipping pills.

How to change the first day of the menstrual cycle?

To postpone the 1st day of menstruation, you need to continue taking Yarina from a new package without a seven-day break and take the tablets as needed. In this case, spotting or bleeding is possible.


List of symptoms that occur during an overdose: vomit , bleeding from the vagina , nausea .

Overdose therapy is symptomatic. There is no election.


The use of drugs that stimulate the functioning of hepatic microsomal cells may cause an increase in the excretion of reproductive organs, which causes breakthrough bleeding or weakening of the reliability of contraception. These medications include , barbiturates, and others.

Arterial thromboembolism can lead to death.

Risk of occurrence thrombosis And thromboembolism increases:

  • in smokers;
  • with age;
  • for obesity;
  • in the presence of thromboembolism ever to immediate family or parents;
  • with prolonged immobilization, surgery, operations on the lower extremities (in these situations, it is advisable to stop the use of combined contraceptives and not resume it for 15 days after completion of immobilization);
  • at arterial hypertension ;
  • at dyslipoproteinemia ;
  • for diseases of the heart valves;
  • at migraine ;
  • at atrial fibrillation .

Increased frequency and severity of attacks migraine during the period of use of combined contraceptives may be grounds for stopping their use.

The appearance of benign liver tumors has rarely been observed during the use of combined contraceptives, and malignant tumors have been observed extremely rarely.

In patients with hypertriglyceridemia it is possible that the likelihood of developing pancreatitis when taking medications like Yarina.

In women with hereditary Quincke's edema exogenous estrogens can cause or worsen the course of this disease.

While taking combined contraceptives, irregular bleeding or spotting may occur, especially during the first months of use. Therefore, assessment of irregular bleeding of any nature should be carried out only after an adaptation period of approximately 3 cycles has been completed.

If the bleeding described above recurs, then it is necessary to conduct an examination and examination to exclude malignant tumors or pregnancy.


The price of Yarina's analogues is usually less affordable than the price of the described drug.

Which is better: Midiana or Yarina?

and Yarina are complete analogues in composition and quantitative ratio of components in the preparation. Reviews indicate that there are no fundamental differences in the effect of these two products. Midiana is cheaper in cost. The choice should be made based on economic considerations and individual tolerance.

Which is better: Novinet or Yarina?

and Yarina differ somewhat in their active ingredients, but not in their mechanism of action. The cost of Novinet is almost 2 times cheaper, and in addition to the contraceptive effect, it reduces the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia . The choice is made based on the doctor’s recommendations and economic considerations.

Which is better: Yarina or Regulon?

and Yarina are analogues and only slightly differ in the structure of the active substances. The mechanism of action is identical. Reviews do not record differences in the incidence of side effects. The price of Regulon is approximately 2 times lower than the price of the described medicine.

Which is better: Yarina or Klaira?

Unlike Yarina, it has a lower concentration of hormonal components and is recommended for use by more mature women. The prices of the drugs are comparable. The choice is based on the recommendations of the attending physician and individual indications.

Diana is 35 or Yarina - which is better?

And Yarina is analogous in terms of mechanism of action and effect. However, it is worth noting that the first has a lower concentration of hormonal components and a higher price. Side effects and therapeutic effect depend on individual characteristics.

Yarina and Yarina Plus

The differences between Yarina are that the latter drug contains additional calcium levomefolate , reducing the deficit folate in the body of a woman and fetus in the event of an unplanned pregnancy. The prices of the drugs are comparable.

Janine or Yarina - which is better?

and Yarina are analogue drugs. According to statistics, Yarina demonstrates a greater ability to provoke side effects. The prices of the drugs are almost equal.

For children

Alcohol compatibility

Alcohol is not a contraindication for taking Yarina and does not reduce its contraceptive properties.

During pregnancy and lactation

The medicine is not prescribed for detected pregnancy and lactation.

If pregnancy is detected while using Yarina, the medicine must be discontinued immediately. Studies have not found an increased risk of developmental defects in newborns whose mothers took sex hormones before or during early pregnancy. At the same time, the use of combined contraceptives can reduce the volume of breast milk and change its composition, so the use of such drugs is not recommended until breastfeeding is completed.

We have already looked at it, and now let’s talk about what analogs there are for these two hormonal drugs.

ATTENTION! The information is provided for informational purposes only. To replace one oral contraceptive with another, you need to consult a gynecologist. Self-prescription of birth control pills can lead to serious complications and disruptions in the body's functioning.

Yarina and Yarina plus are monophasic combined oral contraceptives (all tablets contain the same dose of hormones).

Package Yarina contains 21 tablets. After completing the package, you need to take a 7-day break and start taking a new pack on the eighth day.

Produced by Bayer Pharma AG (Germany). The average price is 1040-1300 rubles (may vary depending on the place of purchase).

Package Yarina plus contains 21 hormonal tablets and 7 tablets, which contain only calcium levomefolate. There is no need to take a break between packages.

Produced by Bayer Pharma AG (Germany). The average price is 1060-1500 rubles (may vary depending on the place of purchase).

So what can replace these birth control pills?

Analogues in composition

  • Jess(Beijer Beymar GmbH and Co. KG, Germany) is a monophasic COC with antiandrogenic (cosmetic) action. The package contains 28 tablets, i.e. The drug must be taken daily without a break between packs. The average price is 1070 rubles (may vary depending on the place of purchase). Read more about Jess.
  • Dimia(OAO “Gedeon Richter”) – monophasic contraceptive pills with antiandrogenic and antimineralocorticoid action. The package contains 28 tablets, i.e. The drug must be taken daily without a break between packs. The average price is 760 rubles (may vary depending on the place of purchase).
  • Midiana(OAO “Gedeon Richter”) – COC with antiandrogenic action. The package contains 21 tablets. After finishing the package, you need to take a 7-day break, and on the eighth day start taking a new pack. The average price is 740 rubles (may vary depending on the place of purchase).

Analogues in action

  • Regulon(OAO “Gedeon Richter”, Hungary) – monophasic hormonal contraceptive. It is notable for the fact that it is often prescribed for the treatment of female pathologies (fibroids, ovarian cysts). The package contains 21 tablets. After finishing the package, you need to take a 7-day break, and on the eighth day start taking a new pack. The average price is 410 rubles (may vary depending on the place of purchase).
  • Three dimensions(H.B. Organon, Occ, Netherlands) – refers to COCs. It is often prescribed to regulate heavy and painful periods. The package contains 21 tablets. After finishing the package, you need to take a 7-day break, and on the eighth day start taking a new pack. The average price is 995 rubles (may vary depending on the place of purchase).
  • Lindinet 20(OAO "Gedeon Richter", Hungary) - combined oral contraceptive. In addition to its direct purpose, it is also used to normalize the menstrual cycle. The package contains 21 tablets. After finishing the package, you need to take a 7-day break, and on the eighth day start taking a new pack. The average price is 390 rubles (may vary depending on the place of purchase). Read more about Lindinet 20.
  • Diana is 35(Beijer Beymar GmbH and Co. KG, Germany) – monophasic oral contraceptive, low-dose (small dose of hormones in the composition). The blister contains 21 tablets, after which a 7-day break is taken. The average price is 890 rubles (depending on the place of purchase).
  • Novinet(OAO “Gedeon Richter”, Hungary) – the blister contains 21 contraceptive tablets, after which a 7-day break is taken. The average price is 490 rubles (depending on the place of purchase).
  • Jess plus(Beijer Beymar GmbH and Co. KG, Germany) – monophasic oral contraceptive. The package contains 21 active tablets and 7 tablets containing vitamins. There is no need to take a break between packages. The average price is 1090 rubles (depending on the place of purchase).
  • Janine(Bayer Pharma AG) – KOC. The blister contains 21 tablets, which means a 7-day break upon completion. The average cost is 740 rubles (depending on the place of purchase).

Having the entire list before our eyes, we can name analogues that are much cheaper than Yarina. These are: Lindinet 20, Regulon, Novinet, Zhannin, Midiana, Dimia.

Note that a lower price does not affect the quality of the drug or the body’s reaction to taking these drugs. It all comes down to the individual characteristics of the body and the presence of contraindications. Therefore, when choosing a hormonal contraceptive, it is so important to undergo a full examination and get a detailed consultation with a gynecologist.

Don't be shy to ask your doctor questions. It’s better to ask again 10 times than to suffer from unexpected consequences later.

Opinion of doctors and women

Experts often face the question “What is the difference between Yarina plus and Jess plus.”

Doctors answer: the whole difference is that the drugs contain different dosages of hormones (active ingredients). Young girls are better off taking Yarina, and older women are better off choosing Jess.

Feedback from women is mostly positive. Many are satisfied with the effect of the drug Yarina.

By the way, according to statistics, the most popular contraceptives are Yarina plus and Jess plus.

Comparison of drugs

We propose to conduct a detailed comparison of some drugs and find out what the difference is. And what can replace Yarina or Yarina plus.

Yarina and Jess - which is better?

How are these drugs similar and different from each other?

Both drugs are monophasic COCs; they are similar in composition, but differ in action.

Their main difference is that it is micro-dosed (estrogen dose up to 20 mg), and Yarina is a low-dose product (estrogen dose up to 30 mg).

Therefore, Jess is considered a drug with a more gentle effect and is usually prescribed to young girls, and Yarina to older women.

In any case, your doctor should select the oral contraceptive that suits you. And not just any person, but someone who doesn’t care about your health.

Let's also say that the main difference between Jess and other oral contraceptives is in the mode of administration:

  • You take active tablets for 24 days in a row
  • And for the remaining 4 days you take placebo pills
  • Then immediately start a new package of the drug

Thus, taking Jess does not imply a break.

Yarina plus and Jess plus – what to choose?

Both drugs contain:

  • Ethinyl estradiol (Yarina 30 mcg; Jess 20 mcg) – an analogue of endogenous estradiol
  • (3 mg) – has an antiandrogenic effect
  • Calcium levomefolate (451 mcg per inactive tablet) – biologically active folic acid formula

We see that the difference is again in the dosage of Ethinyl estradiol. Otherwise they are almost identical.

It’s best to consult your doctor about how to switch from Jess (Jess plus) to Yarina (Yarina plus) or vice versa. Of course, usually they just finish the pack and then start drinking another OK one. But the body is individual, so consulting a specialist will not be superfluous.

Belara or Yarina - comparison

Which is better and what's the difference?

Yarina is a low-dose monophasic oral drug with antimineralocorticoid and antiandrogenic effects.
Belara is the same, but the difference is that there is no antimineralocorticoid effect.

Thanks to this difference, Yarina prevents disturbances in water-salt metabolism and increased blood pressure. For the same reason, Belara does not have a diuretic effect.
Otherwise, the drugs are similar to each other. However, it is believed that Yarina is a more severe COC. Therefore, you need to discuss everything in detail with your doctor.

Vidora or Yarina

To understand which is better, you need to compare them.

Vidora is a low-dose drug. Similar to Yarina Plus, but only cheaper (about 400 rubles per package). Both products are similar in composition and action.

Vidora micro (Drospirenone 3.0 mg and Ethinyl estradiol 0.02 mg) is an analogue of Jess Plus, but only costs less (around 400 rubles per pack). The difference from Jess Plus is again in the reception mode. Vidora micro is taken like Yarina plus - 21 tablets with active substances and 7 tablets with vitamins.

Janine or Yarina

Which is better and what's the difference?

Feedback from women and girls shows that there is no clear answer to this question. What suits one does not suit another. Still, we will make a comparison.

Dosage form. Yarina is available in tablets, and Zhanine is available in the form of a film-coated dragee.

Both products are manufactured by Bayer and are monophasic. The common component is ethinyl estradiol (the dosage in both drugs is 30 mcg).

But that's where the similarities end. The second active component in Yarin is drospirenone, and in Janine it is dienogest. Excipients also vary in dosage and set of ingredients.

What is better for endometriosis? Janine or Yarina are indicated in the initial stages of endometriosis, when you need to act quickly. Yarina copes with the pathological division of endometrial cells more effectively. In some cases, the drug Yarina is replaced with the less active Janine.

How does Yarina work for endometriosis?

This hormonal drug is one of the best among COCs for treatment, because. it:

  • Blocks the pituitary gland's synthesis of gonadotropes and their release
  • Suppresses the production of sex hormones by the ovaries
  • Neutralizes proliferative changes in the endometrium

As a result, cyclic processes in the endometrium stop, and with prolonged use (course), atrophy begins and the functioning of endometrioid foci is suppressed.

Klaira or Yarina

Firstly, difference in dosage:

  • Yarina – low-dose contraceptive (up to 30 mcg Ethinyl estradiol)
  • Klayra – microdosed (up to 20 mcg)

Secondly, difference in active ingredients:

  • Yarina – Ethinyl estradiol and Drospirenone
  • Qlaira – Estradiol valerate and Dienogest

Third, difference in the combination of hormones:

  • Yarina – monophasic contraceptive (one combination of hormones for all tablets throughout the entire cycle)
  • Qlaira – multiphase (more than three combinations, namely four)

As you can see, just by reading the information, it is difficult to determine what is best for you – Klaira or Yarina. To find out, you must take tests and undergo a full examination.

How to switch from Klaira to Yarina? Switching from Qlaira to Yarina: finish all Qlaira tablets (as scheduled) and start taking Yarina the next day.

Yarina or Logest

What is better and what to choose?

The active ingredients in Logest are Ethinyl estradiol and Gestodene, in Yarin - Ethinyl estradiol and Drospirenone.

Both drugs are low-dose (up to 30 mcg) monophasic combined oral contraceptives.

It is impossible to determine in advance which product will suit you best. You need to undergo examination and take tests.

Novinet or Yarina

What is better and what to choose?

The active ingredients in Novinet are Ethinyl estradiol (20 mcg) and Desogestrel (150 mcg). Those. It's microdosed.

In Yarin, the dosage of hormones is slightly higher, and it is a low-dose remedy.

What is right for you depends on your age and individual characteristics of your body. To select a suitable product, consult a trusted gynecologist.

Silhouette or Yarina

Yarina is a low-dose monophasic contraceptive. Active ingredients – Ethinyl estradiol (30 mcg) and Drospirenone (3 mg).

Siluet has 2 active components: Ethinyl estradiol (30 mcg) and Dienogest (2 mg), in fact, being an analogue of Janine. Siluet is prescribed in the following cases: contraception; acne; cycle failure; painful periods; anemia and large blood loss during menstruation; endometriosis.

Yarina or Siluet for endometriosis?

As mentioned above, Yarina is one of the most effective hormonal drugs in the treatment of endometriosis. How does Siluet deal with this?

  • Atrophies endometrioid lesions, regardless of their location
  • Blocks proliferative cyclic changes
  • Stops inflammatory reactions

As a result, the condition of the female body is normalized.

Diana is 35 or Yarina

Diane-35 is a low-dose monophasic oral combined estrogen-antiandrogen contraceptive drug. Active ingredients: Ethinyl estradiol (35 mcg) and Cyproterone acetate (2 mg)

Active ingredients of Yarina: Ethinyl estradiol (30 mcg) and Drospirenone (3 mg). Yarina is also a low-dose monophasic COC.

As you can see, Diane contains a larger dose of hormones than Yarina.

What suits your body best needs to be determined by taking tests and being examined by a doctor. No one can tell you in advance how taking a particular drug will affect your body. Side effects for all drugs are static. The only difference is that some people have them and some don’t. To do this, you need to undergo a full examination to find out which drug will work more harmoniously with your body.

Transition from Diane to Yarina

Because the dose of hormones in Yarin is slightly lower, then during the transition you need to use additional means of protection for the first time (from 7 days to a month) (in case ovulation occurs). And so the rules are the same as for all pills - you finish the package of Diana, take a break for 7 days, as expected, and then you start drinking Yarina. You can not take a break (or take less), the main thing is to start packing Yarina no later than the eighth day after finishing taking Diane, so that there is no decline in the contraceptive effect.

In any case, consult a competent obstetrician-gynecologist.

Lindinet or Yarina

To understand the differences between them, let’s first look at the composition.

Composition of Lindinet 20:

  • Ethinyl estradiol 20 mcg – per 1 tablet
  • Gestodene 75 mcg – per 1 tablet

Composition of Lindinet 30:

  • Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg – per 1 tablet
  • Gestodene 75 mcg – per tablet

Yarina's composition:

  • Ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg – per tablet
  • Drospirenone 3 mg – per tablet

All three drugs are monophasic combined oral contraceptives.

The difference between Yarina is the second active substance (gestodene versus drospirenone).

Yarina and besides this, they also have different dosages of hormones. Lindinet 20 is a micro-dose drug, while Lindinet 30 and Yarina are low-dose.

What is best for you depends on your age and individual characteristics of the body.

Yarina or Midiana

In order to understand what the difference is, you need to compare Median and Yarin.

They are absolutely identical in composition and dosage of hormones: the active ingredients in both cases are Ethinyl estradiol (30 mcg) and Drospirenone (3 mg).

Both drugs are monophasic COCs. So everything is the same here too.

And even the blister contains 21 active tablets (Yarina also has 7 vitamin tablets). Therefore, the regimen for Median and Yarina is the same.

Therefore, it is impossible to say in advance which is better for you - Median or Yarina.

Today there are a large number of types of contraception. Oral contraceptives are very popular among other methods. This method is very accessible. In addition to the fact that they help avoid unwanted pregnancy, they can solve various problems of the female body.

Modern drugs the most gentle than when they were before. If they are chosen by a specialist, then there will be no health problems. Very often, doctors prescribe two drugs to patients - Midiana and Yarina, which have the same composition, but there are still differences from each other. This will be discussed later.

Characteristics of the drug "Midiana"

The Midiana contraceptive contains two active ingredients: drospirenone And ethinylestradiol.

The effectiveness of this drug lies in the fact that it inhibits the process of ovulation and changes in the endometrium. Due to what it includes in its composition drospirenone, then it has antiandrogenic and slight antimineralocorticoid effects. Drospirenone is very close to natural progesterone.

It has been established that women who have taken and are taking combined oral contraceptives are less likely to develop endometrial and ovarian cancer.

The product must be taken daily for 21 days, preferably at the same time. If for any reason a dose is missed, then you must immediately take the missed pill and use other methods of contraception, as there is a possible risk of unplanned pregnancy. After 21 days, a seven-day break is taken, during which the menstrual cycle begins.

Taking Midiana should only be started after consultation and prescription by a gynecologist. Like all other medications, this drug has contraindications and side effects. But all this can be avoided if you trust a competent specialist.

Description of the oral contraceptive "Yarina"

The composition of the drug "Yarina" includes the active substance: ethinylestradiol And drospirenone.

"Yarina" refers to a contraceptive drug. This is a drug with a low dosage of estrogen and progestogen. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that it helps suppress ovulation and increases the viscosity of cervical mucus. "Yarina" helps prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Women who regularly take this drug suffer less from pain during the menstrual cycle, the duration and intensity of the cycle is reduced. Women are less likely to suffer from iron deficiency anemia. The risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer is reduced.

Due to the fact that Yarina includes drospirenone, then the risk of weight gain is very low. This component also helps get rid of acne problems and improves hair structure.

The drug must be taken every day for 21 days, then take a seven-day break. Before taking Yarina, you need to consult a specialist.

What do “Midiana” and “Yarina” have in common?

These two drugs have much in common with each other, since the composition of these drugs is the same. These tablets contain the same amount of active substances: ethinyl estradiol - 30 mcg, drospirenone - 3 mg.

In addition to their similar composition, they have the same pharmacological effect, namely:

  • Protects against unwanted pregnancy.
  • They help in the treatment of gynecological diseases, such as ovarian cysts, hormonal imbalance, etc.
  • While taking it, you can forget about problems with acne and acne.
  • The menstrual cycle is normalized, there is no pain.
  • The structure of hair and skin improves.

In addition to the benefits of these drugs, there may also be side effects that are similar. But side effects may not always appear, everything is individual.

Distinctive features of these two drugs

"Midiana" is an analogue of "Yarina". First of all, they differ significantly in price. "Midiana" almost two times cheaper than Yarina. This difference is quite significant, since not everyone can afford a drug that is twice as expensive.

Despite the fact that these two products contain the same components and in equal amounts, they still have several distinctive features.

Here are a few characteristics that distinguish each drug from each other:

The excipients include: differences in the number of components in a drug, for example:

  • In Midian the corn starch content is 8 mg., and in “Yarin” - 14.4 mg.
  • The content of povidone K25 in the first preparation is – 6 mg., in the second – 4 mg.
  • Titanium dioxide in the first product contains - 403 mg., in the second – 556.6 mcg.

There are several substances in Midian that are not in Yarin, these include:

  • Polyvinyl alcohol.
  • Soy lecithin.

“Yarin” also has components that are missing in its analogue, these are:

  • Hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose).
  • Iron oxide.

Due to this difference in the composition of the components, although they are excipients, there may be different reactions and effects on the body. Therefore, medications should only be taken as prescribed by a specialist and under his supervision. If some tablets are not suitable, then an analogue is prescribed. After all, “Midiana” is best suited for some, and “Yarina” for others. Everything is individual.

Who needs to take Midiana, and who needs Yarina?

These two remedies must be taken by all girls and women who are not planning a pregnancy in the near future, or who have any health problems.

There are no clear distinctions in the use of these remedies, since everything is individual and you can find out which of them is suitable for a particular woman only after use.

It may be that the patient has an individual intolerance to any components that are part of “Midiana” or “Yarina”, then they usually select another analogue drug that does not cause side effects.

Many people are interested in what is the difference between Yarina and Yarina Plus and is there any? In fact there is a difference.

Both drugs are effective agents that protect against unwanted pregnancy. After taking the pills, the cervical mucus becomes thick, making fertilization impossible.

Composition of Yarina and Yarina Plus

Yarina plus tablets have the same composition as Yarina. But there is still some difference:

Yarin Plus contains an additional active substance - calcium levomefolate. This component is active form of folic acid.

Packaging of Yarina Plus:

  • 21 active tablets;
  • 7 vitamin tablets contain only one active ingredient - calcium levomefolate.

Composition of Yarina in English: Drospirenone + Ethinylestradiol.

Ingredients on the back of the package (photo)

Analogues of Yarin in composition

In the table we compare the drugs Yarina and Yarina plus and their analogues based on the active substance.

Name of the drug, manufacturerCharacteristicCost, photo of packaging

Bayer Pharma AG, Germany.

Monophasic drug (all tablets contain the same dose of the hormone). Available in tablet form. The package contains 21 tablets.

1060 rubles

Yarina plus

Bayer Pharma AG, Germany.

Monophasic drug (all tablets contain the same dose of the hormone). Available in tablet form. There are 28 tablets in a package.

When using these hormonal contraceptives, a 7-day break is not required.

1060 rubles

JSC Gedeon Richter.

Combined oral contraceptive with androgenic action. Available in tablet form. The package contains 21 tablets.

After 21 tablets you need to take a break for 7 days.

740 rubles

JSC Gedeon Richter.

Monophasic contraceptive, has antiandrogenic and antimineralocorticoid effects. One package contains 28 tablets.

This drug is used daily, that is, there is no need to take a break even during menstruation.

760 rubles

Monophasic combined oral contraceptive, has an antiandrogenic effect. The package contains 28 tablets.

The drug must be taken daily without interruption.

1070 rubles

Analogues of Yarin in action

Drug nameCharacteristicsaverage price

N.V. Organon, Oss, Netherlands

A combined oral contraceptive that is often used to treat heavy and painful menstrual bleeding. The package contains 21 tablets.

After finishing the packaging, you must take a break of 7 days.

995 rubles

JSC “Gedeon Richter”, Hungary

Hormonal monophasic tablets. It is often prescribed for the treatment of female pathologies (ovarian cyst, fibroids). The package contains 21 tablets, which are valid for 1 month.

After finishing the packaging, you need to take a 7-day break.

410 rubles

JSC "Gedeon Richter", Hungary.

A combined contraceptive that comes in tablet form. In addition to its main purpose, the drug is used to normalize the menstrual cycle.

The package contains 21 tablets, a break of 7 days is required.

390 rubles

JSC “Gedeon Richter”, Hungary.

Hormonal birth control is available in tablet form. One blister contains 21 tablets, after which you need to take a break of 7 days.

Usually, menstrual bleeding begins within a given time.

490 rubles

Bayer Pharma AG.

The package contains 21 tablets, 7 days break.

740 rubles

Bayer Weimar GmbH & Co. KG, Germany.

A monophasic drug containing a low dose of hormones is available in the form of tablets. The blister contains 21 tablets.

A seven-day break is required.

890 rubles

Bayer Weimar GmbH & Co. KG, Germany.

Monophasic hormonal drug. One package contains 28 tablets.

21 tablets are active, and another 7 act as vitamins.

1090 rubles

Some analogues of Yarina have a lower price:

Many people are interested in whether analogue drugs are as effective? Each of the listed contraceptives guarantees 99% prevention of pregnancy.

The choice of contraceptive depends on individual abilities.

For example, Novinet is suitable for young girls. Regulon and Yarina are used as medicine. In any case, before purchasing a contraceptive, you should consult a gynecologist.

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