About contraceptive patches in general and about Evra in particular. "Evra" (plaster): reviews. Hormonal contraceptive patch "Evra" On what day after peeling off the Evra patch

Advances in the pharmaceutical industry have made it possible to use hormonal contraceptives of various compositions. They are available in forms for oral, intrauterine, vaginal and cutaneous administration.

And if the history of the use of contraceptive drugs in oral tablets goes back more than fifty years, the cutaneous contraceptive patch was first registered only in 2002 in the USA.

General understanding of transdermal contraception

Cutaneous releasing systems quickly gained popularity after being introduced into various areas of practical medicine. These include the Evra contraceptive patch, which contains the hormonal system ethinyl estradiol (0.6 mg) and norelgestromin (6.0 mg). This contraceptive system is placed in a three-layer patch, the area of ​​which is 20 cm 2.

It can be glued to the skin of various areas of the body - the outer surface of the upper third of the shoulder, the upper parts of the front surface of the chest (with the exception of the mammary glands), on the buttock region and lower abdomen. The next fixation should be carried out on a different area of ​​the skin. Avoid wearing tight underwear and applying lotion in this area.

When the contraceptive system is located in the abdominal area, the absorption of contraceptive drugs is approximately 20% lower, however, their average content in the blood serum still reaches the required norm.

The patch must be applied once a week for seven days for 3 weeks of each month. The fourth week is skipped, that is, from the 22nd day of the month for 7 days it is not used. On its outside there is a special reminder system to prevent violation of the replacement order.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Evra contraceptive patch has three layers. Through them, steroid hormones evenly penetrate the skin, and from there into the blood capillaries. The steady-state concentration of hormones in the blood serum reaches its maximum after 48 hours and remains at a constant level for 7 days while the patch remains fixed to the skin.

When studying the effect of steroid contraceptives, special attention is always paid to their systemic effect on the body, in particular on liver function and the entire biliary system, since they represent a kind of “target” for estrogens and gestagens.

When tablets are taken orally, they are absorbed from the intestines into the blood and enter the liver. Thus, the first “blow” of their effect falls on the liver, where their active transformations (metabolism) and binding to proteins occur through liver enzymes.

Some hormonal drugs are excreted from the body with bile (hepatic, pre-systemic, elimination) through the digestive tract, and protein-bound sex steroids enter the general circulatory system, where their biological activity is realized.

Evra contraceptive patch

Simply put, with the help of liver cells, incoming tableted steroid hormones undergo purification and further transformations. The degree of their activity directly depends on the amount that “can reach” the receptor point of application, that is, it depends on the bioavailability of the drug. Liver dysfunction can cause a decrease in the bioavailability of contraceptives and a decrease in their effectiveness.

In turn, long-term uncontrolled use, as well as one that does not take into account contraindications, can lead to:

  • structural and functional disorders of the hepatobiliary system;
  • changes in the factors of the blood coagulation system, as a result of which its coagulation properties increase, which can lead to complications such as thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • increasing triglyceride levels;
  • changes in the size of low-density lipoproteins;
  • negative impact on carbohydrate metabolism;
  • negative impact regarding the interaction of medications taken.

The Evra contraceptive patch, like combined oral contraceptives, contains steroids that can have the same effect. However, the active components of the cutaneous contraceptive system, unlike oral contraceptive drugs, enter directly into the general circulatory system. They do not pass through the gastrointestinal tract and, bypassing the stages of metabolism in the liver, are much less subject to destruction, which means they have a prolonged effect and higher efficiency.

In addition, when used by women who do not have pathological changes in the liver and biliary system, they have almost no negative effect on liver cells and their enzymatic activity.

Levels of ethinyl estradiol and norelgestromin in the blood remain within the average prescribed values ​​throughout the week, regardless of the site of fixation of the patch. Even with an occasional delay of his next shift (at the beginning of the 2nd and 3rd weeks) for 48 hours, there is no need for additional use of other contraceptives, due to the preservation of the clinical effectiveness of the contraceptive releasing system.

However, it should be borne in mind that if a woman has skin diseases or a tendency to allergic reactions, their exacerbation is possible, as well as a decrease in the rate of absorption of the active ingredients into the blood.

Besides… The contraceptive effectiveness of the drug decreases with body weight more than 90 kg. Therefore, a delay in menstruation when using a contraceptive patch in obese women may indicate pregnancy. According to studies by various authors, such cases average 3%.

Generalized analyzes of several studies found that within 1 year of using this contraceptive, the probability of an unwanted pregnancy due to its ineffectiveness averages about 0.6%, and for various reasons - 0.8%, regardless of age groups.

These indicators are completely comparable with those when using oral combined contraceptives. The normal function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system and, accordingly, fertility (the ability to conceive) in 90% of women is restored within 1-3 months after stopping the use of the Evra patch.

It is very important that the material has high adhesive properties. As a result of the testing, it was found that in hot and humid climatic conditions, when women are in the pool, sauna, bathhouse, as well as during intense sports activities, it does not peel off from the skin. At the same time, a fairly high degree of unreliability of fixation has been established among adolescents. They, compared to adults, experience more frequent partial or complete peeling off of one patch. In studies, this figure averaged 35%.

Some women also experience minor side effects such as lack of aesthetics, skin irritation, and pain during removal.

In accordance with WHO criteria for medical acceptability and in accordance with the instructions for use of the Evra patch, it has significantly fewer contraindications than combined oral contraceptives. And the existing contraindications for both are practically no different, with the exception of 2 cases.

The use of the patch is undesirable if:

  1. The woman has dermatological diseases.
  2. Body weight exceeding 90 kg.

Thus, the main advantages of the method of transdermal delivery of contraceptives into the body are:

  1. Non-invasive, simple and easy to use.
  2. Very low percentage of side effects.
  3. Uniform release and intake of a constant dose of active ingredients into the body.
  4. Absence of peak daily fluctuations in the concentration of steroid hormones in the blood.
  5. The absence of negative effects associated with the initial passage of drugs through the digestive system and liver.
  6. There are no conditions for violating the application regimen.
  7. Fairly rapid restoration of fertility after cessation of use.
  8. Minimal systemic effect (on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism).
  9. Improving the quality of life, expressed in improving overall indicators of physical, mental and sexual health.

One of the popular contraceptives used by women is the Evra patch. This hormonal contraceptive has its own application features, which are important to know in order to get good protection against premature pregnancy.

Hormonal contraceptive patch

Evra, a remedy that prevents unplanned conception, is an adhesive square that looks like a regular adhesive plaster. For its manufacture, a thin material of synthetic origin and flesh color is used. The Evra hormonal patch has three layers:

  1. First. It is a fabric-based adhesive tape that is directly attached to the skin.
  2. Second. This layer contains synthetic sex hormones.
  3. Third. The top protective layer is breathable. Its task is to protect the active substances from moisture and contamination.

The Evra patch contains synthetic hormones that suppress, provoke structural changes in the endometrium and make cervical mucus more viscous. Due to its thickness, the movement of sperm is disrupted, and the proliferation of pathogenic flora is also prevented. This contraceptive option is suitable for women with one sexual partner.

The contraceptive patch has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the following facts:

  • Ease of use;
  • high level of efficiency;
  • need to be glued only once a week;
  • does not cause discomfort.

The Evra patch has certain disadvantages that cannot be ignored:

  • hormones can affect weight;
  • does not protect against sexually transmitted infections;
  • irritation may occur;
  • possible side effects;
  • After discontinuation, you need to wait until you become pregnant.

There are a number of features that should be considered when using the contraceptive patch:

  1. The protective effect of this remedy occurs on the first day of the uterine cycle. When using the patch in the middle of the cycle, additional methods of contraception are required during the first week after application.
  2. When there is a break after removing the Evra patch (the fourth week of the cycle), the contraceptive effect will continue.
  3. If a woman used hormonal pills before gluing the patch, then the interval after finishing taking them and before gluing the product should be no more than seven days. When more than a week has passed, before starting to use the patch, you should make sure that conception has not occurred.
  4. The hormonal patch can be used daily, but only if the pregnancy is no more than 12 weeks. If more than 5 days have passed since the termination of pregnancy, then the product should be applied only on the first day of menstruation. When the pregnancy was more than 12 weeks, the patch can be used only after a month.
  5. During the first three months of using this product, brownish discharge may appear. If after this time the problem does not disappear, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  6. If after a break, that is, the fourth week, a woman forgets about gluing the contraceptive, then she needs to remember the day when the error was corrected, from which the report will begin. It is recommended to use additional protection methods during the week.
  7. If the second or third contraceptive has not been replaced, then after sticking on the new patch, you should remember the day and start a new report from it, that is, three weeks with a break. During the first week, additional methods of protection should be used.
  8. When the remedy is not used in the fourth week, and menstruation has not occurred, but the patch does not come off, and it is replaced in a timely manner, then you should not stop using the remedy. If menstruation does not occur after two cycles, then be sure to consult a doctor.
  9. An urgent appointment with a gynecologist is necessary if pregnancy occurs while using hormonal drugs. Then be sure to stop using the patch.

Hormonal patch for pregnancy - effectiveness

According to information provided by the manufacturer, this contraceptive provides protection in 99.4% of cases. Independent expert commissions present slightly low figures, for example, experiments have shown that the Evra transdermal patch will be 92% effective, but these are also high levels of protection that many other methods are simply incapable of. The difference between the values ​​of the manufacturers and the commission is explained by the fact that, as it turned out, if a woman weighs more than 90 kg, then the chance of getting pregnant increases significantly.

Evra patch – when does your period start?

After a three-week course of using this contraceptive, you need to take a week's break, during which menstruation begins. In most cases, this occurs on the second or third day after withdrawal. The new Evra contraceptive patch must be applied after seven days, even if menstruation has not yet ended. Longer breaks are undesirable, as the chance of getting pregnant will increase.

Pregnancy after Evra patch

If a woman plans to become a mother, then she should prepare for this event. Doctors recommend abandoning hormonal contraceptives three months before the expected conception. During this time, the woman’s hormonal system will be restored, the menstrual cycle and ovarian function will stabilize. Experts have studied the relationship between the Evra patch and pregnancy, so if a woman misses the time to apply a new patch, then after two days the risk of conception will increase.

How to use the Evra patch?

The contraceptive provides an effect for four weeks, so a new copy is attached to the skin for three weeks, and then a break is taken for a week. At this time, menstruation occurs, which indicates that the hormones have stopped working. The instructions for the Evra patch indicate that seven days after removing the old product, a new one must be applied.

If you do not take a week-long break, you can delay menstruation for a certain period of time, so the longer the product is on the body, the longer there will be no menstrual bleeding. It should be borne in mind that gynecologists do not recommend using the Evra bad patch for a break longer than three menstrual cycles. If, for certain reasons, after the end of the first week of the monthly cycle the patch was not replaced, then this should be done as quickly as possible, taking additional local contraception for ten days.

How to apply Evra patch?

Using this contraceptive is very simple, so first take it out of the package, remove the protective film and stick it on the selected place. It is important that the Evra contraceptive patch fits tightly and evenly to the skin. The effectiveness of the product is significantly reduced if folds, bends are formed and an incomplete fit is observed. The manufacturer recommends monitoring the tightness of the patch to the skin every day, since this determines how many hormones will enter the bloodstream, that is, effectiveness.

Where to glue the Evra patch?

The protective agent is applied to clean and dry skin, which should not be pre-lubricated with cream or other care products. It is important to know where it is best to apply the Evra patch, so the following areas of the body are considered suitable: buttocks, the outer surface of the upper third of the shoulder, the stomach and the area of ​​the shoulder blade. The contraceptive should be placed in places where clothing does not rub. The mammary glands, places where there is hair and folds are not suitable for the patch. It is important that there is no damage to the selected area of ​​skin.

The Evra patch has come off - what to do?

The surface of the patch is covered with a special glue, which differs in composition from the usual medical composition, so it holds well and can even be wetted. If the Evra contraceptive patch has come off, then you need to calculate the approximate time of what happened, and if another 48 hours have not passed, then you can reattach it. When the sticky surface deteriorates, the patch should be replaced with a new one, and the replacement is carried out according to a schedule. If more than two days have passed, use a new product, and consider this day the first in the cycle.

Cancellation of the Evra patch

According to reviews and opinions of doctors, in most cases it normalizes already in the first cycle, after stopping the use of this remedy. Rarely, ovarian hyperinhibition may occur, which is manifested by the absence of menstruation for six months or more. This condition does not require treatment, and the function will be restored on its own. As for ovulation, after using the Evra patch, it takes a month to normalize it.

Evra patch - contraindications

For contraception to be effective, its use must be coordinated. The "Evra" patch, the use of which should be in accordance with the rules, has its contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypertension;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • age under 18 and over 35 years;
  • frequent headaches;
  • smoking.

Evra patch for endometriosis

One of the most inexplicable diseases among the fair sex is endometriosis, in which cells of the inner layer of the uterus appear in atypical places, for example, in the ovaries, cervix, tubes, and so on. Many women have noticed that the Evra hormonal patch is not only an excellent protection against unwanted pregnancy, but also helps in the presence of this disease. However, doctors do not use this method of treatment, prescribing other methods.

Evra patch - side effects

Since protection is provided by hormones, the risk of side effects cannot be ruled out.

  1. Problems may arise in the functioning of the nervous system, as evidenced by sleep disturbances, drowsiness and decreased performance.
  2. Hormone surges have an impact on the activity of the cardiovascular system.
  3. The following side effects of the Evra patch are possible: hypertension, circulatory problems, thrombosis, increased blood density and coagulability.
  4. Some women experience discharge and bleeding, as well as pain. Cycle disturbances are also possible.
  5. The effect of the product may affect the functioning of the digestive system.
  6. The possible development of individual tolerance cannot be excluded. More often, an allergy to the Evra patch manifests itself in the form of urticaria.

Hormonal contraception today remains the most reliable way to protect against unwanted pregnancy. The pharmaceutical market is replete with numerous hormonal contraceptives. They are presented in different pharmacological forms. This gives a woman the opportunity to choose a product taking into account her preferences, individual characteristics and recommendations of a gynecologist.

A modern method of protecting a woman from unwanted pregnancy is the use of special patches. Gynecological practice and numerous reviews from patients characterize Evra as a reliable, convenient and safe remedy.

At first glance, this contraceptive looks like an ordinary one adhesive plaster and sticks it on exactly the same way. The effect of this hormonal The product is based on the daily dosed release of hormones into the blood through the skin, which is why the Evra contraceptive is called the transdermal therapeutic system (TTS).

Operating principle

Hormones that enter a woman’s blood affect the functioning of the reproductive system:

  • the effect of the pituitary gland on ovarian function is inhibited;
  • the ovulation process is blocked in the ovaries, that is, the egg does not leave the follicle and fertilization is impossible;
  • the mucus in the cervix becomes very thick and viscous, which blocks sperm activity and minimizes the possibility of germ cell fusion;
  • The inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) becomes very thin, this does not allow the fertilized egg to attach for further development.

The Evra contraceptive patch is a combined contraceptive.. The complex of hormones included in its composition provides a woman with reliable multi-level protection, acting not only at the cellular level, but also at the level of regulation of the functions of the reproductive and endocrine systems. The effect of the patch is temporary, so if the drug is discontinued, pregnancy can occur almost immediately. A woman should take into account that after canceling any hormonal medications, the body needs to be prepared for pregnancy.

The effectiveness of the Evra patch, according to statistics from independent studies, is 92%, the manufacturer guarantees protection of 99.4%. The difference in data is significant, but has a physiological explanation. Women whose body weight is more than 90 kg are more likely to become pregnant.

The required concentration of the active substance is achieved 48 hours after attaching the patch to the skin. It persists throughout the entire period of wearing hormonal medications. The instructions offer several options for attaching the hormonal agent Evra to the body. The effectiveness of the contraceptive does not depend on the application site chosen by the woman.

Composition of the drug

The hormonal contraceptive Evra is a small square with rounded edges with a side of 5 cm. A package of 3 patches is intended for use for 1 month, a package of 9 for 3 months, respectively. The following are used as active ingredients in the contraceptive hormonal drug Evra:


Evra is used in four-week cycles. It is attached to the body for three weeks in a row, the fourth is a break, at which time the woman begins her period.

The Evra hormonal patch is glued to the skin on the outer side of the shoulder, shoulder blade, stomach or buttock. The area of ​​skin for application of the contraceptive must meet the following requirements:

  1. The skin should not be damaged, clean and dry.
  2. There should be no skin folds at the application site.
  3. The skin should not have a lot of hair at the attachment site.
  4. The gluing area should not be in close contact with clothing.
  5. It is unacceptable to place a contraceptive on your chest.
  6. When changing the patch, it is advisable to change the location of the application.
  7. Do not apply cosmetics to the skin before applying the contraceptive.

Features of application

  • The contraceptive effect of the hormonal drug Evra, applied on the first day of the uterine cycle, occurs immediately.
  • The use of the Evra contraceptive in the middle of the uterine cycle requires additional methods of contraception during the first week after application.
  • During the break (4th week of the uterine cycle), the protective effect of the product is maintained.
  • If you have previously taken birth control pills, then the interval after stopping them and applying the Evra contraceptive should not exceed 7 days.
  • If more than a week has passed since the discontinuation of hormonal pills and during this period there was unprotected sexual relations, before starting to use the drug Evra, you must make sure that conception has not occurred.
  • Breastfeeding women should not use the contraceptive Evra, as the hormones pass into breast milk.
  • The hormonal contraceptive Evra can be used on the day of abortion if the pregnancy is less than 12 weeks.
  • If more than 5 days have passed since the abortion, the product can be used only on the 1st day of the onset of menstruation.
  • If you have an abortion after 12 weeks, you can use the Evra contraceptive after 4 weeks.
  • During the first three months of wearing the patch, you may experience brown discharge. If they have not stopped after three months, you should consult a gynecologist.
  • If the contraceptive is not replaced in a timely manner (less than 48 hours), there is no danger, since the protective effect remains.
  • If after the break (4th week) the first contraceptive is not stuck on, you need to stick it on, remember the day, and use additional protective equipment during the first week.
  • If the second (third) contraceptive is not replaced, a new one is stuck on and from that day (you need to remember it) a new countdown begins (three weeks and a break). Additional methods of protection are used during the first week.
  • If the third contraceptive is not peeled off in time, it must be removed and a new one pasted on the designated day of the week.
  • If the patch accidentally comes off for a period of less than a day, it must be replaced, but the contraceptive effect remains.
  • If the patch comes off for a period of more than a day, it must be replaced and from that day the countdown of a new four-week cycle begins. In the first week after replacing the contraceptive, additional methods of protection are used.
  • If the Evra patch comes off, you should not try to attach it; in this case, it must definitely be replaced.
  • With the help of the hormonal contraceptive Evra, you can delay menstruation if, after the third patch ends, you immediately stick on the first one without taking a break. The appearance of small discharge in this case does not indicate a decrease in the protective effect.
  • If in the fourth week (during a break in use) menstruation did not occur, and the patch did not peel off, it was replaced in a timely manner, the use of the contraceptive should be continued. If there have been situations that could lead to a decrease in the contraceptive effect, the use of the patch should be stopped and contact a gynecologist. The absence of menstruation after two cycles is a serious reason for a mandatory visit to the doctor.
  • The reason for immediately contacting a gynecologist is pregnancy that occurs while using the hormonal patch; in this case, its use should be stopped immediately.


Among the numerous innovative contraceptive drugs, the Evra hormonal patch has significant advantages:

  • You need to change the contraceptive once a week, taking pills is a daily procedure;
  • the contraceptive effect of the patch lasts about 2 days, for tablets this period is 12-24 hours;
  • the menstrual cycle is normalized, pain during menstruation is reduced, discharge in the middle of the uterine cycle is much less common than when taking hormonal pills;
  • the contraceptive effect of the drug persists in case of disorders of the digestive system;
  • the risk of malignant neoplasms in the uterus and ovaries is significantly reduced;
  • dosed and uniform supply of hormones into the blood, there are no jumps in concentration, which is observed when taking oral contraceptives;
  • reliable fixation, does not come off during intense physical activity and water procedures;
  • simplicity and ease of use.


The disadvantages of the hormonal drug Evra can be considered the relatively high cost, there is a small risk of the patch coming off and reducing the contraceptive effect, the occurrence of side effects from the skin, other organs and physiological systems


The use of any hormonal drug, including the Evra patch, must be agreed with the attending physician. He needs to be informed about the medications he is taking and any chronic diseases he has.

The action of the patch is similar to the action of hormonal combined oral contraceptives, therefore the Evra patch has contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant tumor;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • age over 35 years and frequent severe headaches;
  • age under 18 years;
  • smoking.

The Evra patch is the newest combined hormonal contraceptive. Its effectiveness has been proven by practical use. A prescription for using the patch as a method of contraception must be made by a doctor. When using the Evra contraceptive, you must strictly adhere to the instructions.

Evra contraceptive is a transdermal hormonal patch (TTS) designed to prevent unwanted conception. Its action is based on the slow release of drugs (female hormones) and their penetration into the blood vessels. The active ingredients are norelgestromin and ethinyl estradiol. The euro contraceptive patch is applied to any part of the body (except for the chest) once every 7 days. Absorption of active substances in different places (abdomen, buttocks, arm, etc.) is therapeutically equivalent. If the instructions are strictly followed, the maximum contraceptive effect reaches 99 percent.

Pharmacological properties of Evra

After attachment, the Evra contraceptive patch begins to continuously release norelgestromin and ethinyl estradiol, which are absorbed into the blood through the dermis. Once in the bloodstream, hormones block the ovulation process and promote the formation of thick mucus on the cervix, which prevents sperm from penetrating into its cavity. The level of active substances in the serum remains at the same concentration throughout the entire period of TTC action.

After completing the 7-day period, the Euro contraceptive patch continues to release hormones and inhibit the development of the follicle for another 48 hours. Even if the medication was changed with a delay of two days, the contraceptive effect still continues to operate.

Rules for using the patch

TTC should only be applied to clean, intact, dry skin. The Evra contraceptive patch (the instructions describe the entire contraceptive cycle) is applied on the initial day of menstruation, and on the 8th and 15th days of the cycle it is replaced and subsequently disposed of. From days 22 to 28, the transdermal agent is not applied. The subsequent contraceptive cycle must be started immediately after 4 weeks, even if a new menstruation has not occurred or the previous one has not ended.

If the period of interruption of TTC application increases beyond 7 days, ovulation may be restored and the risk of conception increases.

Side effects

The hormonal contraceptive patch Evra can cause the following adverse reactions:

  • headache;
  • skin irritation;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • pain in the abdomen and chest;
  • diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting, constipation;
  • bleeding outside the cycle, vaginitis.

Rarely, there may be a lack of coordination, apathetic state, increased libido, decreased blood pressure, increased salivation or, conversely, dry mouth.


Despite the fact that Evra contraception is freely sold in pharmacies, before use it is necessary to consult a gynecologist to ensure there are no contraindications, such as:

  1. predisposition to venous or arterial thrombosis;
  2. presence of diabetes in a complex form;
  3. hereditary predisposition to dyslipoproteinemia;
  4. confirmed or suspected breast cancer;
  5. genital bleeding.

The use of TTC is contraindicated for girls under 18 years of age, breastfeeding women and pregnant women.

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The “Evra” contraceptive patch is a very smooth and fairly thin adhesive plaster that is used as protection. Stick the product only once every seven days. This allows you to get a reliable effect with a minimum of effort. It is worth noting that the Evra adhesive plaster protects by 99.4%.

How the product works

“Evra” (patch), reviews of which are mostly positive, releases 150 micrograms of norelgesromine and 20 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol. These substances enter the blood through the skin. After this, ovulation is blocked. In other words, the ovary stops releasing an egg that can already be fertilized. In addition, the drug causes changes in the mucous membrane in the uterus. As a result, this makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterine cavity. It is thanks to this action of the product that protection against pregnancy is achieved.

However, when using this drug, do not forget that the Evra hormonal contraceptive patch is not able to protect a woman from some sexually transmitted diseases. It is for this reason that a prerequisite for its use is the presence of only one permanent partner. In this case, both the man and the woman must be free of any infections transmitted during sexual intercourse.

Product benefits

Recently, this method of protection against pregnancy has become much more popular than other contraceptives. Its main advantage is that its use eliminates the so-called forgetting effect, which causes a lot of trouble when using oral contraceptive pills. It is worth noting that even if the replacement of the patch is delayed for several days, additional contraceptives are not required.

“Evra” (plaster), reviews of which indicate its effectiveness, is quite comfortable and easy to use. The product adheres perfectly to the skin. At the same time, it does not come off even when exposed to the sun and during water procedures. There is also no need to change your daily routine and reduce your daily activity. The use of such a contraceptive allows you to sunbathe, shower, swim, engage in various physical exercises, and visit a sauna or bathhouse.

In addition, the patch has a healing effect on the body. Like many hormonal drugs, this product eliminates spotting that occurs between menstruation. When using it, pain in the lower abdomen rarely occurs. In addition, the patch prevents the development of premenstrual syndrome.

Contraindications and side effects

“Evra” (patch), reviews of which will be useful to many, has the same side effects as many hormonal birth control pills. Many of them are expressed, as a rule, to a moderate or mild degree. This, in turn, does not limit the use of this product. It is worth noting that many side effects disappear a few months after starting use.

The Evra patch cannot be used for:

  1. Lactation.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Having had a myocardial infarction or stroke in the past.
  4. Suspected or already established diagnosis of a malignant tumor.
  5. Thrombosis.

Also, the patch should not be used by women over 35 years of age and those who smoke more than 15 cigarettes per day.

When should you start using the product?

When can I start using Evra (patch)? Reviews show that this product can be used on the first day of menstruation. There is no need to use additional contraceptives in this case.

You can also start using the patch any day of the week. For example, on Monday. The first patch should be applied on this day after the start of menstruation. In this case, during the first week you will need to use additional contraception. They should be non-hormonal, for example a diaphragm, chemical or condoms.

How to glue the drug

The Evra patch, the price of which is relatively low, can be worn unnoticed by other people on four parts of the test:

  • Lower belly.
  • On the buttock.
  • On the shoulder blade.
  • On the outside of the shoulder.

As reviews show, before attaching the patch, you should carefully study the instructions. The product should be applied to dry and clean skin. Also, you should not use powder, oils, lotions, creams and other caring cosmetics exactly where the patch is glued. This will prevent the product from peeling off.

In addition, reviews indicate that you should not apply the patch to damaged, irritated or reddened areas of the skin. You cannot glue several rhinestones together. You can attach the patch to the same area several times. Of course, there are a few rules. Experts recommend not to glue it constantly in the same place.

When to change the patch

The Evra hormonal patch needs to be applied once a week. Many women advise, in order not to get confused, to follow the following scheme:

  1. On the first day you need to attach the product.
  2. On the eighth day the patch should be replaced.
  3. On day 15 you need to change the product again.
  4. On day 22, the patch should be removed.
  5. A break is required for the next seven days.

It is worth noting that all these days will coincide with a specific day of the week. Therefore, using the patch according to this scheme is very simple. The product can be replaced at any time of the day. The patch cannot be used from day 22 for a week. It is during this period that menstruation begins. Experts do not recommend taking a break for more than seven days.

What to do if a shift day is missed?

It is better to change the Evra patch on time. If the replacement of the product occurred a day later at the beginning of the cycle, then:

  1. You should attach the patch as soon as you remember. From this day a new cycle will begin.
  2. To avoid pregnancy, non-hormonal contraceptives should be used in the first week of a new cycle.

If it was not possible to replace the patch on day 8 or 15, then:

If the patch was not removed at the end of the cycle, then:

  • First of all, the patch must be removed if this has not been done previously. After this, a new cycle must begin on a day that will correspond to the pattern.
  • In this case, there is no need to use additional non-hormonal means of protection.

If the product comes off

If the Evra patch, the price of which ranges from 690 to 850 rubles per package, has partially come off, then you need to press it firmly with your palm and hold it for 10 seconds. It should attach firmly again. After this, you should run your fingers along the edges of the patch. If it does not stick, it should be replaced.

If the patch has completely come off and less than 24 hours have passed, then you should try to glue it back to the same place. If this is not possible, then it needs to be replaced. There is no need to take additional protective equipment.

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