Can I leave my iPhone on charge overnight? Features of nightly use of tampons Leave overnight can be kept

The majority of modern smartphone users prefer to charge their phone at night, leaving it plugged in until the morning. However, sooner or later, each user is faced with the opinion of skeptics that this is not necessary and this will damage the battery of the device. Is this really so and is it possible to leave a smartphone on charge all night? Let us consider in more detail the possible disadvantages and risks of this solution.

Does Overnight Charging Harm Your Smartphone?

Modern phones use lithium-ion batteries, which are distinguished by good capacity and long operating time. For such batteries, overnight charging is practically fearless. Of course, provided that we are talking about a high-quality and original device from the same manufacturer as your phone. If the battery is not of the best quality or you are using a rather old device, then you may encounter the following problems:

  • Overheating of the battery - the process of replenishing electricity, is directly associated with the release of heat. As a result, the battery starts to heat up during charging, and the higher the percentage of charge, the higher the temperature can rise. In many older or inexpensive phones, after a full charge, the battery continues to heat up due to the current flowing into it. Overheating can damage both the battery itself and the modules located next to it on the board;
  • Capacity wear - a gradual decrease in capacity, is a problem for all batteries, regardless of cost and brand of manufacturer. But, frequent heating can accelerate the wear process due to the impact on the battery components that ensure the conservation of accumulated electricity;
  • Heating of the adapter (power supply) - the power supply connected to the network must give out the received electricity, if this does not happen, it also starts to heat up. But, as a rule, an increase in temperature is not critical;
  • Extended charge cycles is a problem that also occurs with most "worn out" batteries.

    It is worth clarifying that the problems described above are typical for old smartphones, as well as very budget models. In modern devices, the function of switching the power supply is implemented, when 100% of the charge is charged from the battery to the phone. Thus, the device is powered by the mains, not by the battery, and the fact that the phone has stood on charge all night should not be a serious problem.

    Also, do not abuse fast charging at night. The essence of the workflow is that a fast charger supplies a high power current, gradually lowering it as the battery fills up. If the network is unstable or the adapter is malfunctioning and no power reduction occurs, serious overheating, battery bloat or battery degradation may well occur, but this happens extremely rarely, but still.

    How to extend battery life and maintain original capacity settings

    To save the capacity and performance of the battery for a long time, you can follow simple rules:

  • Keep the charge within 15-90%, avoiding full discharge. But it is worth remembering that immediately after buying a new device, it must be discharged to zero and then recharged to 100% by repeating the procedure 2-3 times, this is the tradition.
  • Do not leave the device plugged into the mains overnight or for long periods of time too often;
  • Cold damages the battery and therefore, in the cold, a quick discharge occurs and the phone may not turn on until the capacity is restored. In winter, on the street, you should carry the gadget in your inner pocket, if possible using headphones or a wireless headset to receive calls;
  • Customize the power consumption mode according to your needs by adjusting the screen brightness, display timeout and other settings;
  • Use the original adapter, if it fails, you can buy an analogue, but from a trusted brand, and not a cheap model with unstable power supply.

    Remember that manufacturers recommend replacing the battery in a smartphone after 3 years, and even better 2 - 2.5, if your gadget does not hold a charge well at the age of two or more years, then it's time to come to a certified service center and replace it with a new, old battery . The average replacement cost is from 1500 - 3500 rubles.

  • The right answer to an important question.

    “Can I leave my iPhone on charge overnight?” - one of the most frequently asked questions among users of Apple smartphones. Some people believe that overnight charging is detrimental to the battery of the iPhone. Others have heard of fires of smartphones connected to charging at night. All this gives rise to real concerns, which are quite understandable. But in most cases there is nothing to fear. This article told in which cases it is completely safe to leave the iPhone on charge overnight, and in which it is better not to do this.

    It's safe to leave your iPhone on charge overnight

    All iPhone models are equipped with a battery charge controller, just like most modern smartphones. The controller, which is a printed circuit board, turns off the current flow when the battery is fully charged, does not allow the battery to be discharged to absolute zero, and also does not allow the charging current voltage to exceed 4.2 V.

    It is thanks to the battery charge controller that the iPhone can be left charging overnight without any fear. The smartphone will calmly charge up to 100%, as with the most common daily charge, and then it will stop receiving energy. This will be monitored by the controller, which is always on the alert.

    However, there are important exceptions that all users need to be aware of.

    In what cases should the iPhone not be left on charge overnight?

    First, if you are using a non-original charger, then leaving the iPhone connected to charge all night is not recommended. We are talking about cheap, most often Chinese chargers, which can be unsafe to use during the day. If you have a non-original, but Apple-approved memory (Made for iPhone), then there is nothing to be afraid of.

    Secondly, it is better not to leave the iPhone on charge overnight if the smartphone was being repaired by not the most professional craftsmen. Simply put, if you repaired the iPhone in a "service around the corner", whose employees installed non-original or low-quality components in the smartphone, then there is a risk of problems when the iPhone is connected to the charger for a long time.

    And thirdly, do not leave the iPhone on charge overnight if the weather conditions do not allow it, namely, a thunderstorm is forecast. Lightning strikes, as you know, can output equipment connected to a power outlet, and the iPhone is no exception.


    Is it a bad idea to leave your smartphone on charge overnight? This is certainly one of the most pressing questions we could ask.

    We've all done it: Before going to bed, you plug your smartphone into a charger so it can charge all night while you sleep. The idea is to wake up in the morning with a 100 percent battery charge on your smartphone. But then you heard that charging your phone all night damages the battery and reduces its capacity over time, so you turn to Google for answers.

    Therefore, before we talk in detail about this myth - about charging the battery at night, we will first give you a short answer. Yes, you can leave your phone on overnight. However, some caution must be exercised, so be sure to read on to find out the whole truth about whether you can leave your phone to charge overnight. We've also compared the pros and cons in order to help extend the life of your smartphone's battery.

    Lithium vs Nickel

    You probably know that most modern technology runs on lithium-ion batteries. A few years ago, batteries were mostly made of nickel, like the Duracell and Energizer batteries you buy in stores. Nickel-based batteries tend to have cyclic memory. If they weren't given full charges between cycles, they could "forget" their full power and only remember that they were last charged to their maximum capacity (even if they weren't). Many of us have never used nickel batteries in mobile devices since the transition to lithium ion occurred by the early 2000s.

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    Fortunately, lithium-based batteries did not suffer from the “charge memory” phenomenon often exhibited by nickel-based batteries. Lithium batteries have played a big role in the mobile phone revolution. First, they can hold a lot of power while remaining quite compact, allowing mobile phones to get smaller and thinner. In addition, lithium batteries have a significantly longer lifespan and charge quickly. One warning - temperature sensitivity.

    Heat: silent (battery) killer

    Now we have learned about the most significant threat to our lithium-ion or lithium-polymer battery, which is heat. Sure, batteries don't like the cold in much the same way that they don't like the heat, but the latter is more relevant when it comes to leaving your phone plugged into a charger overnight.

    The charging temperature of lithium-based batteries, that is, the temperature at which the battery is able to accept a charge, ranges from 0 to 45 degrees. Meanwhile, lithium-based batteries can be discharged at temperatures as low as -20 degrees. Fast charging technologies work best at higher temperatures from 5 to 45 C, at 0 ° charging will stop.

    There are several important points that these numbers show us. First, a lithium-based battery can discharge at temperatures below freezing, so storing them in a kitchen freezer won't prevent them from self-discharging. Second, the lithium-ion battery heats up as it charges. When it warms up, it charges faster. But since the battery can't hold more than its capacity, once it's fully charged, the battery consumes excess power, giving it away as heat. Overnight charging becomes a problem when the battery has no way to redirect incoming current once it reaches its capacity.

    Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem.

    Smartphones use their battery wisely

    Batteries used in mobile devices today are still basically the same as they have been for almost two decades, but the devices that use them have gotten a lot smarter. Nowadays, we have less to worry about when it comes to battery health, because the problem of optimizing power has been put on the shoulders of software running on smartphones.

    Thus, we get the answer to our main question: can we leave the smartphone plugged into the charger overnight? The answer to this question sounds confident, why not?

    As we said above, the main danger of leaving the smartphone on for charging at night provoked the battery to heat up, and it remained hot until the end of the night. However, our mobile devices have become much smarter. They may stop charging when the battery is fully charged, so when you wake up in the morning, the battery will already be fully charged overnight. It's pretty nice.

    However, this does not mean that the habit of leaving the phone on charge overnight will not affect the battery's longevity. You don't run the risk of overheating the battery by leaving your phone plugged into a charger overnight, but we'll still give you a few tips you can incorporate into your phone charging habits to keep your battery tip-top.

    1. Each lithium-based battery can have a finite number of charge and discharge cycles. With each cycle, the battery capacity decreases slightly, so we need to avoid a lot of cycles. To do this, try to keep your battery between 40 and 80 percent. Of course, this will not always be possible, but try not to let your phone charge below 40 percent, and keep the number of full discharges to a minimum.
    2. Try not to use fast charging every time you charge your phone. Most fast charging systems cause the battery to heat up, which we know is bad for your battery. If you use the fast charge option frequently, the battery gets excess heat more often than it should, resulting in a shorter lifespan.
    3. Earlier we mentioned that lithium-ion batteries do not suffer from the cyclic memory of nickel batteries. While this is true, the smartphone's internal power meter, the part that determines the current battery power level, can sometimes reset. You can recalibrate the battery by performing a complete discharge and charge cycle: use the phone until it dies. Once it turns off, charge your smartphone to full power while leaving it off. Finally, turn your phone back on and check that the battery shows as fully charged in the notification bar; if not, turn off the power and continue charging. Repeat this process once a month to make sure your battery is performing optimally.


    The battery is one of the most important components of a smartphone; after all, a smartphone with a dead battery is little more than a paperweight. So it goes without saying that we don't want to do anything that could damage the battery and reduce its efficiency. While there are those who still believe it's a bad idea to leave your phone plugged in to charge overnight, all signs point to overnight charging as a completely legal way to make sure you start your day with a full charge on your smartphone.

    Despite the development of information technology and the huge amount of available data about everything in the world, there are still many myths about certain phenomena and situations. Especially a lot of misconceptions and beliefs are gathered around menstruation and everything connected with them. Here is one of the questions that many women worry about: is it possible to sleep with a tampon all night? Some argue that it is possible, others categorically oppose it, others generally call for the abandonment of the use of a convenient hygiene product, because of prejudices that are not justified.

    Of all the prejudices about tampons, two are the most frightening.

    First, tampons prevent menstrual blood from flowing out. A completely erroneous opinion, which is easily refuted by anyone who is at least a little familiar with the basics of physiology. For the production of such hygiene products, cotton wool is used. Even being tightly compressed, it cannot in any way interfere with the outflow of blood from the uterus, since it only absorbs secretions. When the cotton wool is completely saturated, the blood will simply press the swab, flowing out.

    The second myth is that these hygiene products contribute to the development of pathogenic bacteria. This is partly true, but only on condition that hygiene products are not replaced in time, that is, they are in the vagina for more than 6 hours during the day or 8 at night, although a delay of 1-2 hours will not be too critical. If you follow the rules for their use, there is no risk to health. Including when used at night.

    Can you use night tampons?

    And this . Indeed, why not? This is more convenient than using pads, even special "night" pads. Nothing moves, does not deform, does not interfere, you can sleep peacefully, knowing that in the morning the bed will be clean. A tampon at night is convenient and effective. And most importantly, it is completely safe if you know some rules for its use. Following them, a woman can safely use tampons without worrying about her health.

    Multiple selection rules

    Each woman should select hygiene products based on the characteristics of her menstruation, such as the duration and abundance of bleeding. The second indicator is especially important - the type of tampon (“Normal”, “Super” and “Super Plus”) depends on the amount of discharge.

    It is clear that for light bleeding it is worth choosing “Normal” night tampons, and if there is a lot of blood, then it is better to use the “Super Plus” category. It is not recommended to use "Super Plus" tampons if you need "Normal" or "Super".

    The reason is simple: during the recommended time of use, the fibers will not have time to be saturated with blood. As a result, the tampon, when dry, can stick to the vaginal wall, causing discomfort. Well, you should not use such means for longer than the recommended time, as this can contribute to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria in the vagina. By the way, any tampons are recommended to be changed every 4-6 hours.

    The type of products must be chosen, and based on the physiological characteristics of the woman - the "Normal" means, since they are smaller and, if used correctly, do not damage the hymen. If the bleeding is profuse, then you need to change the tampon more often, but do not use large sizes. At night, the tampon is selected according to the same rules.

    If we talk about the choice of specific brands, then among all the manufacturers, only "Obi" produces exactly night tampons. Such "Obi", in addition to increased hygroscopicity, also have small wings, which additionally protect against leakage. But, in principle, it is not necessary to buy exactly "Obi" - if you choose the right one, then any tampon can be used at night.

    Contraindications for use

    Yes, there are contraindications to these hygiene products. These are individual features of the body structure, (it is recommended to use pads for the first two menstruation). In some cases, a contraindication may be a disease of the internal genital organs, including an infectious one - in this case, the entire period of treatment should avoid introducing anything into the vagina.

    An exception is a therapeutic gynecological tampon, for example, garlic remedies that are used to treat thrush, inflammatory diseases of the vagina. But garlic, like other traditional medicine, pharmaceuticals, should be used only as directed by a doctor.

    Rules for the use of night tampons

    So, for those who are interested in whether it is possible to use tampons at night, you can give a definite answer: yes, you can. You just need to remember the simple rules.

    1. Pick the right tool.
    2. Insert a tampon immediately before going to bed.
    3. before using it, be sure to carry out all the necessary hygiene procedures.
    4. Change your tampon as soon as you wake up, ideally no later than 8 hours later.
    5. If the discharge is too heavy, you can change the tampon in the middle of the night, or use a pad with it.

    As for which tampon to spend the night with, here each woman chooses herself, based on her preferences. Someone will like the night "Obi" more, someone will like the usual hygiene products. In gynecology, there are no strict regulations on this matter, so it’s enough just to follow the rules for choosing a tampon, and what exactly it will be is not so important.

    Signs for the night will tell you what not to do at night, so as not to call trouble into the house. They will also tell about the actions before going to bed, which will help to attract good luck.

    Predicting the future after sunset

    After sunset, animals can warn of upcoming events. Seeing a spider at night is a matter of worries and troubles. Roosters sing all night long - to the trouble that will affect entire area or town. Chickens also warn about this if they scream or fly off the perch before dawn. The birth of puppies before dawn - to quarrels in the house, and unreasonable barking - to trouble.

    At night, when all sounds subside and the lights go out, the brownie comes out of his hiding place, where he spends the day. He can stroke a family member, and in the old days, the future was predicted by the nature of this touch. If the hand is warm and soft, the family will soon become rich and happy. Cold and hard - trouble hurries into the house.

    Wake up from the singing of a cricket - to wealth. If a cat gave birth to kittens when it is already dark outside, your financial situation will change for the better.

    If you wake up at three in the morning for several days in a row, this is not a good omen. It means that someone is casting a spell on you. It is unlikely that we are talking about positive rituals. Most likely, the matter is in damage or love witchcraft.

    Falling or breaking things at night is a negative belief. Broken dishes portend bad news about what has already happened, but you don’t know about it yet. If an icon or other object of worship has fallen - to trouble. Maybe it's black magic. A burning lamp may go out, but in the dark it is not re-lit, so as not to attract the bad.

    The time after sunset is a great time to improve your financial condition. So, signs for the night recommend putting money near the mirror in the evening. Put them in your wallet in the morning. This will bring you prosperity.

    What not to do before going to bed - folk wisdom

    Beliefs about mirrors endow them with magical powers, often called portals to other dimensions. That is why it is forbidden to look at your reflection at night - so as not to involuntarily invite guests from other worlds. It is far from certain that they will be friendly. In addition, in the old days they believed that in the dark, mirrors take away beauty and youth.

    It is better to take off your underwear at night so that it does not collect the negative energy of evil forces. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to wash before going to bed. You can’t shave, cut your hair, cut your nails until morning. This applies to both men and women. Those who violate the ban face problems in their personal lives.

    One of the things not to do before bed is to be active. Noise, laughter, fun games from sunset were strictly prohibited. The old people said that in the evening children play with devils. Perhaps the fact is that after the fun, the child is difficult to put to sleep.

    In the old days, pregnant women slept under the moonlight so that the baby would be born healthy. According to other superstitions, sleeping in the rays of the moon is crazy. Therefore, before going to bed, you should not leave the windows uncurtained.

    Before going to bed, you should remove vampire plants from the bedroom. For example, one is monstera. Sleeping in the same room with her threatens with fatigue and poor health in the morning.

    You can't leave the house at midnight. Wait until the first hour of the night. Opening the door before going to bed is also undesirable. If someone made a mistake with the door, this promises you problems in the government house.

    night omens

    Our ancestors left until the morning all things immediately after sunset. So, beliefs forbid taking out the trash until the morning. At night, an unclean force wakes up, which can take away wealth from the house through the rubbish taken out of it. Along with the garbage, money luck is also taken out.

    Don't leave a knife on the table. The brownie is afraid of sharp objects, this can offend him. Such negligence brings illness and problems to the family.

    Dirty dishes, salt shaker with salt, onion and garlic prevent the brownie from fighting evil spirits. Therefore, these things should be removed in kitchen cabinets. Money on the table at night - to their loss, keys - to the loss of property, an empty bottle - to poverty. Food is not left on the table also because evil spirits can move into it.

    After sunset, they do not give bread and salt from the house. These items are often damaged. In addition, it is a sign of poverty and failure. Among the things not to do at night is cleaning. To notice in the dark - sweep the brownie out of the house, lose his protection and patronage. Wash the floor - wash good luck, love and prosperity.

    Signs about money forbid borrowing or lending after sunset. This portends a deprivation of monetary luck; you can remain in debt for a long time. According to superstition, money sleeps at night. Therefore, you should not count them, shift them from place to place.

    They also do not give oaths and promises after sunset, it will be almost impossible to fulfill them.

    In the old days, they didn’t collect water at night, they didn’t go swimming in natural reservoirs - after sunset, water and mermaids wake up. The exception is some church holidays, for example, Epiphany night. You can’t take a bath in the bath only after midnight - at this time the devils are steaming there.

    There are many signs about what not to do before dawn. They are designed to protect a person from evil spirits and black sorcerers, who at this time become more active. Knowing the old signs, in the dark, you can attract wealth or good luck to the house, predict the future, protect yourself from trouble.

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